Chapter Twenty-Six: Part Two | Okay, Whatever, Derek.

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[ Matteo ]

"Are you sure about this?" I asked causing Kaia's heart rate to accelerate. She was staring at Socius' pack house with a pretty fair amount of intensity. It wasn't difficult for me to tell that she was trying to seem like her usual, overconfident, cocky-self. She was failing miserably.

"Yes," she replied with false confidence flooding her tone.

"You're lying," I accused. In a second, her icy blue eyes connected with mine sending my mind into a frenzy. Ignoring the hyperactivity in my brain, I raised a brow testing Kaia to deny me. "I can hear your heart racing." A frown replaced her confident expression making my chest hurt a bit. It was extremely foreign seeing Kaia upset. Feeling the need to comfort her the only way I really knew how to, I pulled her to my chest. I'd come to know that this was the easiest way to get her to calm down.

"I'm getting to see the man who abandoned me after like five years, and for some reason I can't help but feel excited. Is that wrong?" She asked making me frown.

"Well, do you want the truth?" That earned me a sigh. I didn't want to make her more upset than she already seemed to be, but I couldn't help thinking that this was one of the worst ideas she's had in a while.

The minute she came up with the grand idea of going to visit the piece of shit that abandoned her, I turned her down with a solid no. It went on like that for at least three hours with her giving me every reason under the sun as to why she should be able to see him until I gave in.

I didn't really understand it. I couldn't quite wrap my head around how someone could actually want to involve their self and still care about someone who basically just left them. Although, I didn't really understand most of the things Kaia tended to do.

"He's not completely terrible," she mumbled into my chest. Her warm breath spread over my chest through my shirt making my heart beat a little faster than normal. It honestly irritated me a bit.

"He still hurt you," I countered. I would be lying if I said I wasn't trying to convince her to not go inside and see her father.

"You hurt me, and I still like you." Well, that one hurt me more than it should have. I will never understand how such a small little thing could have the power to actually hurt me.

"But, that's different. At least, I try to fix my mistakes." I accept that I'm not the best, but I do try. It's not easy. If anything, it's hell most times, but I do try. I couldn't imagine losing her. I'd probably lock her in my closet if she tried to run away at this point.

"Please, don't make this harder on me than it's already going to be," she pleaded as her eyes found mine again. It was incredible how something so beautiful could seem so broken at the same time. Any judgmental thoughts from earlier had dissipated by this point. I kissed her apologetically, trying to tell her the words I didn't want to say through the kiss. I never apologized or even thought about it, but when it came to Kaia, it's all I ever wanted to do. Somehow, the words she deserved the most, I could never say.

"We should probably go inside," I said softly. I didn't miss the way her face fell a bit. She was obviously waiting for that apology. She was quick to cover it, though. From there, we made our way into the house.

With my hand placed firmly on Kaia's lower back, I led her to the door. We were met by Aleksei and two guards flanking him. I greeted them as Kaia stayed silent. Knowing she wasn't going to make a sarcastic remark to her brother actually killed me inside a little bit.

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