Chapter Twenty-Three | Not Man Enough For Balls

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I didn't think it was selfish of me to hope that when I woke up Matteo would at least still be in the room with me. Apparently, it was. Much to my disappointment, the first face I got to see when I woke up was Daniella's.

I groaned in annoyance seeing Dani sitting on the chair beside Matteo and I's bed and rolled away from her.

"Well, good morning to you to," she grumbled. I decided to just stay quiet and pray that she ended up leaving.

Instead, she pinched my arm.

I jerked forward at the pain of her perfectly manicured nails digging into my skin.

"Ow, bitch!" I snarled, slapping her hand away. As if I hadn't said a rude word to her, she rolled her eyes at me and sat back into the chair. "Where's Matteo?" My eyes followed the curves of her body allowing me to take in exactly what she was wearing. A thick, black leather belt held a pair of form-fitting black jeans securely around her thin waist and hugged her legs. A light blue button up with sleeves that cuffed at her elbows was tucked into the jeans. She didn't have a bit of jewelry on which was weird to look at considering she always had at least a bracelet, but she was wearing a pair of black heels with a light floral design on them.

The thought crossed my mind of how was she supposed to protect me in such a shoe, but then it occurred to me that Daniella's first steps were probably taken in stilettos.

"Conference. He's been there for about three hours now," Dani stated.

"Three hours? Why didn't he wake me up?" My eyes snapped over to the alarm clock. Daniella was indeed right. This morning's conference was set to start at six, but it was already 8:40 am.

"Based on what Matteo told me, apparently you didn't even fall asleep until like four, Kaia," Dani scoffed as she played with a strand of blonde hair that hadn't made it into her messy ponytail. "Having a Luna fall asleep during the middle of a conference isn't exactly something that's not frowned upon."

Thinking back to it, it hadn't felt like it had taken eight hours for me to fall asleep, but then again it didn't feel like I was held in a prison for four whole years either. I guess I just have a terrible perception of time.

"What about Kaden?" Immediately, a cold chill ran through my veins at the mention of my brother.


"Aleksei," I corrected remembering that apparently Kaden Aalish didn't exist to these people.

"Oh," Daniella drug out as she connected the two with a slight chuckle, "right. I forgot about the whole name change thing."

"Yeah. Where is he?" I really didn't want to waste time with our stupid bickering small talk. I'd already wasted so much by allowing my anger to flare up previously.

"Well," she said sighing, "considering I haven't left this room today, I can't exactly give you a for sure answer, but I can assume that he's where everyone else is currently."

"You could have just said that he's probably in the conference," I grumbled as I ripped the covers off of my body and got out of the bed.

"What are you doing?"

"Going to talk to my brother," I stated, making my way to the door.

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