Chapter Seventeen | Let's Talk Children

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"Why can't you just listen to me for once?" I shouted throwing a suitcase at Matteo. He ducked it, obviously—Alpha reflexes. Curse them, but bless them. I'd hate to see such a glorious face as his with a massive bruise or worse.

"Maybe if you said something sensible, I would!" He remarked making my blood boil.

"It was sensible!"

"Kaia, you need a guard!" He reminded me by saying what caused this whole argument in the first place.

"I'll be in a room full of Alphas! In what world does it make sense that I need a guard?"

"You may not be able to understand this through that thick head of yours," Matteo hollered pointing his finger at my forehead. I swatted it away like the psycho that I am causing him to take a few steps backward, no doubt trying to avoid an accidental slap to the face, "but not every Alpha out there likes me!"

"Huh, wonder why!" I deadpanned throwing my arms up.

"You're unbelievable."

"Thanks, I'll take it as a compliment," I snapped, chucking a remote at his head.

"God! Just pack your f--king bag!"

"Then leave me alone, so I can!" I shouted back at him causing him to storm out of the room and slam the door shut. I'm surprised it was still attached to the hinges after that one.

Things were going pretty smoothly lately until Matteo told me I was being assigned a guard for the Leaders' Conference in two days. I was okay with it until he told me that it was going to be Daniella. I tried to calmly reason with him and explain why it would be much smarter to assign Jack to me instead of the blonde she-devil, but he just would not listen. He said Jack needed to stay with the pack and look over them while we were gone.

I hope Dan kills me just to prove him wrong.

Extreme and highly unnecessary. I know.

"Sure, have the one person who wants me dead protect me. Thanks, mate. Why don't you just squeeze lemons into my asshole while you're at it?" I muttered to myself as I retrieved the suitcase that I had thrown from the other side of the room. I groaned heaving it up off of the floor and carried it over to the bed.

Oh, man. I didn't realize how heavy this was.

"I'm more of a 'when life gives you lemons, make lemon water' kinda guy, but whatever you're into, I guess," Jack suddenly piped in which managed to scare the crap out of me. My eyes flew to the door to meet his bright emerald ones showing a great amount of amusement within them. No doubt, he found it hilarious that he just managed to almost make me pee myself.

"When the heck did you get here?" I asked him. His tall, muscular frame was leaning against the door frame watching me unzip the suitcase.

"You were talking to yourself, and I slipped in. I was heading to the kitchen, but I passed Teo in the hallway, and he told me to get up here and watch you. He looked like he was having a hard time controlling himself," Jack commented. "You guys lose your 'not arguing' streak?" I groaned in frustration and tiredly belly flopped onto the bed. I just laid there with my face buried in the blankets that Matteo and I didn't care enough to correct after sleeping. "I'll take that as a yes," Jack sighed. A few seconds later I felt the bed dip beside me as Jack sat down. "What happened, now?"

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