Chapter Nine | Feels in the Chest Area

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I kind of had Jack's words about fate stuck on my mind for the next week. People's words didn't normally put me on edge, but for some reason, his did.

I didn't see Matteo very often, but I wasn't complaining. Well, not out loud. Inside, I was dying not being able to see his annoyingly beautiful face.

He was constantly working with some visiting Alpha. Jack explained to me that this certain Alpha happened to be leading one of the largest packs closest to us. This pack is also located four states away from us, so that gives a pretty good idea of how big Matteo's territory expands.

I honestly have no clue what Matteo and the other Alpha guy have been doing throughout the past week. I don't really pay much attention to them. Jack isn't allowed to tell me anything about it either, so he's a hopeless case. He did tell me the Alpha's name is Noel. I hadn't actually met the dude, though. It's apparently not safe for me considering I'm still classified as a rogue until I accept pack life which has not been happening too easily for me.

The only person I actually carry on conversations with is Jack. Daniella kicked me in the shin the other day, and in response I told her that I hope she drowns in a bath tub. That was about as much conversation Daniella and I had. I don't even really carry on conversations with Matteo. First of all, he's barely around. And when he is around, we just get on each other's nerves. He'll say something, and then I'll make a smart remark which starts an argument. He in turn locks himself in his office, and I rant to Jack about how much I want to punch Matteo in the teeth. I don't know why I go to Jack because all that he ever says is 'the sexual tension is rising'.

Matteo and I still sleep in the same bed together every night, though. A person would think that for two people who can't even handle a normal conversation between one another that we wouldn't be able to share a bed, but we always fall asleep the same way.

Myself on the far left side of the bed and Matteo on the far right.

Somehow, we find our way to one another, though. I always wake up with a death grip on his arm.

We only ever had one conversation while we were laying in bed. It was about the smell of cheese. I was just casually eating cheese when suddenly Matteo ripped it out of my hand and threw it across the room. His reason for doing so is because he doesn't like the smell of it. I just sat there dumbfounded.

So, yeah. Our relationship at the moment is a bit rocky, and neither of us are really doing anything to better it. We literally pick fights over everything. We argued in the kitchen over how to properly wash a potato. I'd never even washed a potato in my entire life, but the way he insisted on doing it seemed pretty stupid.

Everything was just one big argument with us, and the more often it happened, the more it killed me inside. It was a feeling I'd never felt before, and I wasn't sure how to describe it. Not to mention, every time he walked away from me when it was all over I just wanted to kiss him until he stopped breathing.

I think Jack may be right about the sexual tension. Well, for me at least.

"Because I don't want to wear the other one, Matteo!" I shouted at the top of my lungs in the middle of one of the pack house's main lounge areas. The few people who were enjoying the peace of the comfy sitting space had all left as soon as Matteo and I began our daily banter.

"Why would you wear one and not the other? They're a pair!" He shouted back at me.

"Why are you so worried about a stupid sock?"

"Your foot is going to get cold!" Matteo declared. I wasn't positive, but by the look on his face, I think he was being dead serious.

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