Chapter Twelve | Neck Jab

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My nights as well as mornings have definitely been at their acme of excitement lately versus what they had been the past fiveish years. Between the intense make-out sessions before bed and the extremely bizarre positions that I wake up to find Matteo and I in, I would say that the two of us were advancing in our relationship with one another. We can actually hold a conversation, now. Then again, we both usually have our shirts off when we do.

We don't really see each other throughout the day. Matteo's been pretty busy preparing for the dumb Leaders' Conference, and he still hasn't gotten over being in the same room as me while eating, so we don't actually have meals together. He's murdered people with his own hands (being perfectly okay with hearing their screams and pleas, might I add), but he can't stand the sound of me eating soup. Yeah, okay.

I've attempted to make friends, but that resulted in Jack putting me in a time out. Apparently, it's not very civil to threaten a twelve year old's life just because he thinks that Captain America is cooler than Iron Man.

Could have fooled me.

That basically sums up how well the whole 'Rogue Gone Pack-Wolf' situation has been going for me. Quite frankly, I'm about ready to just give up. I don't enjoy being in the pack house, first of all. I feel like I always have someone (ahem, Jack) up my ass 24/7 making sure everything I do coordinates with pack law. Nine times out of ten, what I do is about three miles away from pack law boundaries, but Jack lets it slide with just a warning. A time out is put in place if I continue doing it. I'd never met anyone more serious about a time out in my life. If it takes Jack two hours just to make your ass sit in the corner for five consecutive minutes, then he'll waste two hours of his life doing so.

I also just can't handle the permanence of living in one place. It stresses me out a bit. Not to mention, there are other people who stare at me like I have two heads all the time living under the same roof as myself.

And, don't even get me started on Daniella.

We are slowly working through our issues. Right now, I'm trying to accept the fact that she breathes.

It is safe to say that the only reason I haven't hit the road yet is because I do not want to leave Matteo. I refuse. Sure, we definitely aren't in love. Hell, sometimes we don't really even like each other, but things are getting better! I also have this small amount of hope that if I'm good then the Moon Goddess will forgive me for every sin I've ever done, and some how change Matteo's mind to where he decides to leave pack life and become a rogue with me.

A girl can dream, right?

"I think you're getting worse," Daniella commented as Jack dodged my punch. I was getting progressively angrier by the second with both of them. I decided that I wanted to explore Caedes' training fields and mingle this morning. Somehow, this lead to Jack and I sparring while Dani stood off to the side and criticized everything I did.

"I think you should go die," I grumbled, throwing another punch at Jack just for him to dodge it, once again, making me groan. I really just wanted to throat jab him.

"Your insults are getting weak," she jabbed. I was going to launch another fist at Jack's blonde head, but turned toward Daniella instead. My shoulders went slack as my face went blank of all emotion.

"Will you please just punch me in the face?" I asked causing a smile and a confused expression to cover Dani's face.

"Well, yeah. Of course, but why?"

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