Chapter Forty-Four | Saggy-Titty Witch

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How this absolutely stupid plan was working was beyond me. I'd thought through several scenarios and possible outcomes to Barron's stupid proposal, and only about six of them made it this far.

The one that I deemed most likely was that I would have just been ambushed at the border. This entire time Barron had been actually plotting against me, and this whole thing was just one big set up. I would show up at Vindicta's border with my nine pack members just to be greeted by an army of Vindicta and Uirium members that would kill me on the spot. In that scenario, I would accept the stupidity and naivety of my own actions and welcome defeat. I would have no other option. I could simply just pray that Kaia didn't decide to suddenly want to play hero and come to avenge me.

Because no matter how my fate decided to pan out, as long as Kaia played her part, she would be safe.

As I walked aimlessly with Hayden, it became clear to me where a lot of Kaia's crude humor came from. He cracked a few jokes that I was sure I had heard Kaia make once or twice. It made a dark pit swell in my chest just thinking about my girl. I wasn't aware of much about Hayden beyond what Barron had told me. He and Kaia were close to one another when they were stuck together in Vindicta's prison, both physically and emotionally. Being in the cell adjacent to her's, he had come to be a mediator and a friend to my slightly psychotic mate.

Whereas I knew that Barron was sending over Hayden, I had no clue he was sending over Taylor when he had. When I came to realize who Taylor was, I questioned her myself as to why Barron was sending over his own pack members if he was only an alliance. Alliances in pack issues only tend to intervene if and when the packs at war decide to attack. Otherwise, actions like sending in Taylor to cause a scene would be means of starting a war with Uirium, as well, which was beyond senseless. Alliances in circumstances like these serve more as a form of backup rather than a true enemy, not on the same team but not actively fighting them.

Taylor quickly admitted Barron's plan. His intentions would have worked beautifully if I was an idiotic, lenient Alpha. Unfortunately, the chances of me ever trusting Taylor enough to let her walk freely around my mate without knowing she wasn't an actual threat was absolutely ethereal. I didn't reach out to Barron after speaking with Taylor. I asked Farrah. She wasn't one to stoop to whatever nonsense that Barron or Adrian would be feeding her, so I trusted what she had to say over Barron's big mouth. Her story matched up with Taylor's and kind of confirmed that Barron wasn't a total prick. Therefore, I got in touch with Barron who asked, "Do you really think I want to help that brick-brained idiot?" before filling me in on his deceitful little plan to undermine Vindicta and help my mate. I suppose she somehow wormed her way into his heart. If I wasn't so relieved that I didn't have to worry about Barron's pack any longer, I'd be drilling my elbow into his temple for taking any sort of liking towards what is mine.

He alerted me that he would be sending Hayden over. At first, I thought it was beyond foolish and unnecessary. It was also just putting the plan in jeopardy by revealing the truth to Kaia that we had been hiding for weeks. Originally, we both agreed that Kaia was a bit of a hellion. We couldn't positively decide how she would react with the information that her forbidden bestie was actually putting his own life and pack at risk to help her. Kaia also had a tendency to not be the best decision maker and secret keeper, so it terrified both of us that she might slip up and do or say something dumb. The entire endeavor was far too risky, so we deemed telling Kaia as a minor problem to worry about later.

It was when Barron proposed the hypothetical situation that Kaia might not agree to go with Taylor unless she had a feeling she could be trusted that we realized Kaia would need to be made aware of the plan. I wanted to tell her, but we both knew that Kaia would have tried putting a stop to me risking my own life to save her's if she knew the entire thing. She would try to think of a million and one other ways to go about it that meant me not leaving her side and leaving her alone. So, Barron sent Hayden, someone she trusted, to relay only the bits and pieces of the plan that she needed to know: Barron was our ally, and Taylor was here to help her.

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