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I sat on my bed with a jar of icing with my legs on Chase looking at my sister and Owen.

She's  so comfortable with sitting on him like that.

I feel like he wants me to be like that with him.

I felt a sudden jolt of confidence and got on his lap.

I was tensed up and nervous.

He placed his hands on my waist.

"You don't half do something you're not ready for,"he whispered.

"No, I want to do this,"I said trying to relax.

He pulled me off his lap.

"Don't rush things, beautiful" he said, kissing my cheek.

Yep after all this time we haven't kissed once but them two over there had oral.

Yea I know gross.

I just feel like he wishes he got her instead of me.

Owen took a break from trading spit with my sister and looked at Chase.

"Do you really think that?" Chase asked.

I looked at Owen then back at him.

"It depends on what he said,"I said.

He took my hand and led me out the room.

"But we got homework," I said.

He didn't say anything, he just kept walking with my wrist in his hand.

He took me to the steps and to the door when my daddy and mama stopped us.

"Where are y'all going"daddy asked.

"To talk,"Chase said.

Daddy walked a little closer and Chase growled.

Daddy growled back louder.


Chase pulled me close to him and came close to my neck.

I tented up and Owen came down the steps with my sister close behind him.

I got a little scared they were both just staring each other down with hate.

"Don't even try to calm one down, that's gone, make the other mad"I heard Owen said in my head.

"Why"I asked out loud.

"Because as your father he has a natural instinct to protect you because you're his daughter,but as your mate he got the same instinct"he said.

"So what do I do?"I asked.

"I really don't know,"he said.

This is so crazy my daddy eyes are normal and so is Chase so it can't be the wolf thing.

"No it is but they don't see each other as a threat yet"he said.

"What do you mean yet?" my mama said.

He looked at her.

"Exactly what I said"he said.

"Don't get smart with me"she said walking to him.

Daddy growled at Owen and pushed him away from mama.

Owen hissed and his fangs came out.

"Baby calm down," Jayda said, rubbing his chest.

Daddy pulled her away from him and Owen's eyes got darker and he scratched daddy's face.

My mouth made an 'O'.

Daddy charged at him and Chase charged at daddy before he got to Owen.

Mama screamed and ran over to them.

She tried pulling Chase off daddy but that only made daddy madder.

Daddy pushed Chase and he flew to the window and it shattered.

I ran to him but before I did he was in full wolf form before he hit the ground. He was light brown with white on his stomach. He charged at daddy who changed into a darker brown wolf.

Owen got on top of daddy and squeezed him.

Daddy pouted and Bit Owen and Chase bit daddy.

I had enough of this.

Now I know that my boyfriend and daddy but right now they are wolfs way bigger than me.

Daddy jumped on Owen and Chase jumped on daddy.

I know something had to give.

"Chase baby please stop"I yelled out.

He didn't answer.

"Honey come on their kids ok your to old for this"mama said.

Daddy stayed quiet.

"Leo stop,"she said.

Daddy looked up at her and Owen got on top of him.

I heard cutting noise and Owen frost.

I looked back and saw my sister with a piece of glass in her hand and blood dripping down her arm.

Owen got off daddy and ran to her and daddy ran after him.

Mama got in front of him before he got to Owen.

"Stop Leo"she said.

He stopped and looked at her and slowly when from wolf to man.

Owen didn't bite her, he just closed his eyes.

"I don't wanna mark you yet"he said, ripping off a piece of his shirt and wrapping her arm up.

I walked to Chase who was now a person.

"Are you ok"I asked.

He took a deep breath.

"I think we need to go"he said.

I nodded and we hugged.

"I love you "he said.

I smiled.

It's not the first time he said it.

I just love when he does.

"I love you too,"I said.

He looked at my daddy and back at Owen.

They all looked at each other I'm guessing saying sorry because they all nodded at the end.

Owen and my sister said their goodbyes and left us alone.

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