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"Hello my beautiful children" I said pulling them in for a hug.

"Hi father, nice to meet you," Mia said.

"Hello,"said Zuri.

I smiled at both of them.

"I have been waiting to meet you two , I'm so sorry that I couldn't imagine what you went through,"I said, forcing them to sit down with me.

"Oh you know it's fine , at least we spent years in a box with no light whatsoever"Zuri said.

"I know I never wanted you gone ,nun of you." I said touching their hair.

"Well we left,"Zuri said.

"And I'm sorry , but we need to have a talk,"I said.

"We are listening,"Mia said, sitting up.

"So John was talking about you guys letting the girls have control , doing a full turn , and things like that right"I asked.

"Yes, like why would we do that if they had their time?"Zuri said, folding her arms.

"You do know that even when John is in control I can still hear , see , and even feel just a little bit. Plus I talk to him and help make the choices for both of us. We both respect each other to know not to over step. Everyday he lets me turn into a full wolf, which is the most enjoyable thing ever, every day. It's good for both of us. Humans need a break , like I do a lot of them, so they will let you take over. But first you need to talk to each other. Me and John were not always like this; it took time. I need you to try to let her take over then talk to them. Get an understanding , okay? Please try to get along for me. Try it if it doesn't work tell me so I can help. It's better for all of you"I said.

"What if I don't let her get control at all?"Zuri said.

"Well that's not the way the faiths wanted it , and they will replace you"I said.

"So we were made to be second"Mia asked.

"No y'all was made to share this body , all of you taking turns and talking to each other as one" I said.

"I'm scared,"Zuri said.

"It's not like being in a box...you're still able to see everything"I said.

They was quite

"You don't have to do it now , but the sooner the better for everyone" I said.

Chassity (the next day)

"Honey, put your sister down , she's going to throw up"I yelled, grabbing my son.

"But mama she's funny"he said

I grabbed my baby girl and placed her on the ground.

"Lona could I speak to Bridget" I asked my daughter.

She wagged her tail and licked my face before turning back to human.

"Hi mama" she said giggling.

"Hi baby," I said, picking her up.

"You start school in a while , so you have to learn to keep her hidden" I said, putting her in a chair.

"Yes mama I know but it's fun" she said.

I smiled at her and picked up my son , who is now a rabbit.

My daughter laughed and pointed at her floppy eared brother.

"Reversa" I said, turning him back.

I placed him in the chair.

"So what are we feeling for breakfast?" I asked.

"Brains" brain said like a zombie.

"Pancakes it is" I said, turning on the tv for them.

"Good morning hun" my husband said coming in the kitchen.

I smiled and kissed him.

"I'm taking lona out for a run , we will be back before it's done" he said walking to her.

"Fine and teach her how to control her other half"I said as he picked her up.

"Yeah no problem , I'll take her later today too" he said kissing my head.

I smiled at him as he walked to the door.

"I feel the boys' energy" Brian said, looking at the steps.

I'm teaching him energy , as you can see he's doing amazing.

The boys walked down the steps and into the kitchen.

"Hey beautiful,"Owen said, kissing my cheek.

"Hey mama bear," Chase said.

They sat down next to their brother.

"Can I try to turn you to a stick?" Brian said.

I smiled at his innocents.

"Ma, how long is breakfast gone?"Chase  said. 

I looked at him.

"I'm sorry I meant-"

I opened the fridge and threw a sandwich at both of them.

"I'm sorry I wanted to fix a meal for my children,"I said.

Owen laughed and started to eat his food.

"You can go , I know you want to," I said to them.

They got right  up.

I can't keep them away from their mates , I would never try.

"At least Brian not leaving me" I yelled as the door shut.

He smiled at me and went back to the tv.

I got out the eggs and started on the pancakes.

"Energy" Brian yelled.

I laughed at him and walked to the door.

It's the girl's mother.

I opened the door and let her in.

"What's wrong , is there a problem?" I asked.

"No , no it's no problem , I just needed to talk to another woman." She said.

"ENERGY" brain yelled before I could respond.

"Sorry my husband and daughter are home"I said looking at them open the door.

"Hi lona"I said, kissing her furry head.

"She did amazing,"he said, putting her down.

"Can I speak to Bridget" I asked.

Almost instantly she went for the wolf as a child.

I smiled.

"Good job , you two are working together so much better" I said, giving her a high five.

She giggled and ran to watch tv with her brother.

"Hello, I'm James,"he said, shaking her hand.

"Jane,"she said.

"Do you want me to finish up while you catch up with your friend?"he asked.

"Yes please"I said.

He kissed me and walked to the back.

I looked back at her.

"Would you like to sit?"I asked.

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