Chapitre Sept

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Dan woke up the next morning still thinking about Phil. It was early and cold. And it was Christmas! Dan swung his legs off his bed, shivering. He heard noises from downstairs, meaning Martha was probably awake. He headed downstairs, feeling guilty about having kissed her fiancé last night. She was a good woman. Both Phil and Martha were in the kitchen, cooking.

"Merry Christmas, Dan!" Martha smiled as he entered the kitchen.

"Merry Christmas!" Phil repeated. Dan noticed how Phil couldn't make eye contact with him.

"You too! Merry Christmas!" Martha took a gift off the table and handed it to him. "Oh, thank you! Is it okay if I give you yours later? It's upstairs."

"That's fine! This is from the both of us but it isn't much." Dan tore off the brown paper and a box lay in his hand. He carefully opened the box to see a small, silver wristwatch staring at him.

"Oh wow. Th-thank you!!! It's lovely!" Dan gasped, hugging Martha.

"You like it? Phil picked it out, didn't you darling?" Phil nodded, watching Dan put the watch on.

"I love it!" Dan squealed. He quickly ate his bacon and eggs and got changed into his "Sunday best", eager to give Phil and Martha their presents. On his way out of his room, Phil stopped him.

"About last night-"

"It's fine. You were drunk. I understand." Dan shrugged dismissively.


"Just don't be so awkward about it. She'll notice." Dan sighed, bouncing down the stairs. He walked into the lounge where Martha was stood with her arms crossed across her chest. He offered the small gift to her and she took it.

"Thank you." She smiled and began to unwrap it. It was a small pair of earrings in a box; not much, but it was all Dan could afford. When she opened the box, she instantly beamed and looked at him.

"They're really not much-"

"I love them! Thank you, Dan!" She hugged him, and looked over his shoulder. "Phil, look what Dan got me!"

"They're lovely." Phil muttered. Dan passed Phil his present, which was a book Dan had thought would interest him. Phil took one look at it and grunted a almost unrecognisable "Thanks."

"Well, I better make my way over to the Hamiltons'. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah. We'd better get off to your father's," Martha sighed, looking at Phil. "Bye, Dan." She leant up and gave him a swift peck on his cheek before he began to leave.

"Bye Phil, bye Martha!" Dan pulled on his coat, grabbed a bag full of presents and marched down the sidewalks, the freezing December air stabbing him. He breathed on his hands and pushed himself to walk faster, eager to get somewhere warmer. He knocked on the door, and it opened to reveal the familiar house he loved. He hadn't realised how much he'd missed it and he was almost relieved to see it. Angie pulled him in for a hug and then pushed him inside.

"Get in, you daft beggar! It's freezing!" She laughed.

"Merry Christmas to you too." He joked.

"Dan! I'm so glad you came!" Eliza chirped, hugging him.

"It's nice to be back." He smiled. He saw Alex from over Eliza's shoulder and guilt filled his stomach.

"Dan." Alex nodded.

"Alex, about that night-"

"It's in the past. Don't worry about it. But I think you need to talk to Philip. He hasn't been the same since." Dan nodded, greatful it wasn't too awkward between him and Alex.

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