A Diamond in the Rough

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Its been about a month since I went shopping wifh Marshall, and to be honest, our relationship has really grown. I looked as the semi-brown leave sbegan to fall from all the trees, one by one daily as the seasons changed. Next week, is our one month anniversary and I'm really nervous about my gift.
I walk into Guitar Center, not really knowing what I was looking for. I saw Marshall's friend, Jake, working there so I ran up to him.
'Hey, Jake!!' 'What's up PG?' 'I was looking for a gift for Marshall considering our anniversary is a approaching, any Ideas?'

'He comes in here dazing at that Bass, his mom had a family Axe that looked just like it...the coincidence'
I walked up to the blood red guitar and picked it up. I checked out and ran home wrapped it and hid it in my car. When he knocked on the door he drove my car to pur date. My favorite Restaurant around Cinnamon Bun's! I walked. We had a lovely dinner, and I was ready to call it a night. We got to the dark part of town near the woods, he stopped. He put a blind fold on my eyes before I could see where we really are. He guided Me and then I heard the sound of water. He ripped off the blindfold an there was a blanket with little lights by the edge of a pond. He smiled and my eyes started to water, I walked down to the shore and laid on the blanket.
'I wanna say its been a pleasure to be with you this entire time. I have enjoyed your love and I hoped you'v enjoyed mine. I know anniversary isn't a thing for big gifts but I got you two' He reached in his pocket an pulled out a Ring, 'Now Bubba this isn't a marriage ring yet, but it's a promise ring that Promising I will Marry you' I started to cry and he made a sad face. 'Why are you crying? I'm hoping those are tears of joy'I nodded my smile breaking free. 'I also got you this, I figured since you play the Violin, the Electric Guitar shouldn't be too hard, ehh?' He brought out a Lolly-Pop Guitar. It was pink and it said 'Sweet' written across the stick.  My face was stunned because I had the same Idea. I ran back to the car, and got Marshall Base. 'I guess we were thinking the same thing huh?' He stared at the Red Guitar, tears coming into his eyes, probably from memories. He asked fr the guitar and held it. But in the corner I didn't notice the tiny inscription. Abadeer. He rubbed it and then I was bomb rushed with a hug. 'I never wanted to lose him, my dad, I love him. But my heartless uncle and his twin sister my mother have no remorse for anyone but themselves, this will teach her.....Thank You'. On that note, the night ended with a kiss, and we road back to my house emotionally drained. When we go in, we curled on my white sofa, surrounded by my pink Blanket watching Netflix. Marshall passed out after the first 15 minutes , with out waking him I guided him to my room and we both laid in my bed. I kissed him Goodnight and Whispered I love you. 'I love you too, Gummy' I heard before I drifted off into my melodious sleep.
-End of this Chapter-
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Heyyy Honeys  I'm back, how lovely(my new catch phrase) Who's ready for turkey day?! WAT ABOUT HALLOWEEENNNN YASSSSSSS IM THIBKING ABOUT BEING A GHOUL, but whatever. You know what to do, Always open for conversation, I wuv you all!!
Kik Meh: Gio_Apollo
Follow me on Instagram: @scary.gio
Amos: RealCoCo_710
With Love,
                     Amorè Gio 

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