Nerd's Victim Part 1

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I walked into he kitchen like the bad bitch I am, sorry, bad boy I am. I'm learning this thing called a 'filter' but that not working out well. I put my IPod on shuffle, as my song 'Rock The Boat' came on. I paused and started crying because of the tragedy that happened to my idol. But then the tragedy that happened to be my aunt and uncle who were on the plane. I rolled my hips as I started to prepare breakfast for the day, in nothing but a pair of pink short-shorts and a white T-shirt. I walked around the kitchen things prepared for my omelet, I had about 2 hours until my first class. I wasn't ready for the boring lecture is hear, but sadly Tis the fate of a young college student. I got my slices of toast and are it with my eggs, already halfway upstairs. I put on my black skinny jeans, with my blue Polo and lastly my blue, black, and pink infinity scarf. I left my hair down today, not feeling the gel today. I walked downstairs finishing my breakfast before putting on my blue and Pink vans. I walked out the house, locking up and making my way to the car. I looked in my passenger seat to get something and when I got back up someone was watching me. It was none other than Marshall Lee, I despised it sometimes, but either way I loved him. He wasn't getting out of scaring me so easily. I closed my eye and started to fake cry, his face going from funny to distraught in a matter of seconds. He kept saying sorry but I ignore him and continued to fake cry. He looked like he was going to shit himself, oh Glob, I started laughing with tears coming out of my eyes. He seemed to catch on to my laughing, because then he gave me a look of utter annoyance . Marshall and I drove to main campus, and while we were in the car, my song came on. "Cuz I know you got a bad reputation.." I sang to Marshall, looking slightly turned on by my singing "doesn't matter cuz you give me temptation.." I started laughing as we pulled into the parking spots. The cold winter air on my face, as I walk into class feeling like a boss ass bitch. I walk into the library, getting the books I needed to read when I saw the person I regretted seeing, my cousin/foster dad, Lìmonė Grabney. I looked at the tag, saying he was the new school librarian. I go to check out my books, and he doesn't seem to notice who I am. I pass him my Student ID, and his face turns from his yellow complexion, to a vibrant angry red. 'BUBBA?! I THOUGH I TOLD YOU TO DYE THT DISGUSTING PINK FOREVER, THIS IS UNACCEPTABLEEEEWE'. I ran out the library, leaving the books there, school ID in my hand, as I did in my pocket for my phone. I call Bonnie, scared of the Lemongrab, a name we had given him and his wife. She picked up on second ring
"Yo Bubba, what's wrong?"
"They're back Bonnie, the Lemongrabs are back in town"
"What?! They can't treat us like shit anymore, I'm grown"
"Maybe not you, but he could for me, he might try and win back custody of me"
"The courts wouldn't do that, they loved our parents"
"That may be the case, but they have some enemies that will try and frame you, I still have two classes today, I'll call you later so we can discuss this"
I got in my car, and blew breath hard, I wish Marshall had the same class as me today, I could really use his comfort. I call Cake and see if she was busy, but she's at the doctors office, and she will be hanging out with her boyfriend afterwards. I call Fionna, but come to find out she's out of town. I go to my first class, feeling as if someone is staring at me, when I look behind me , it's Ricardo Heart. It seems like all of my nightmares are coming back to bite me in the butt. He licks his lips and mouths 'You are always mine' I pay attention the lesion Mrs.Signatus was giving, before I received a text on my phone. I read it and it's from an Anonymous Person. "Its's been a while gumball" I know it's not from the creep above me either, I guess it's time to face the facts, or more so face the fears. Because no one an protect me from the exploitation, and when they get me, they don't plan on letting go.
To Be Continued....
800 Words!!
Stay tuned, because all of Bubba's least favorite people has come into the picture . Who's the mystery person?
Leave your Guesses in the comments.
Merry Christmas to You all, and Happy New Year!!!💟💗💜💙
Giovani out!!

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