~❤️Short Story❤️~

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In honor of Adventure Time sending, I thought I I'd release a special stand alone chapter before the closing of the series.

Sweetness. The element that Gumball embodied completely from head to toe. It's what he was created from, it's what he ruled, it's what he was. He was good, he was an angel, he was the epitome of a sunny day. But something wasn't adding up. Something didn't make since. The something was his ability to be attracted to Fright in Flesh. Or more so the supposed epitome of Fright . The living embodiment of what someone should be scare of. The feeling that encompasses someone at midnight, in the dark, alone. That eerie feeling, it's what the vampire was. He was the definition of such feeling. It didn't correlate in Gumball's mind. Not one sugar-coated bit. Not the sudden urge to lush at the mear mention of his name. Not the instant arousal at simoly being touched by him. A simple kiss causing a million fireworks of ecstasy to shoot through him at lightning speed. It wasn't processing. His thoughts putting him in a trance deeper than any thought humanly possible, his body seemed to run on auto pilot. Freeing all other thoughts from his mind, all his mind seemed to process was the ideas of him.
After weeks, with he being off in the Night-O-Sphere, he'd missed him. It'd caused him to go into such denial do thoughts. These thoughts causing and wishing him to simply draw the smiling face on the wall and get the carton of bug juice from the fridge and throw it at the wall. His desires wanting to much so dive into his actions. As if the wall had been scanning his brain, the wall cracked in, the scorching heat of the fires of the Night-O-Sphere, and the light from the red walls of the demonic realm glaring bright off the walls of the laboratory. A single black figure was the only thing that could be seen other than the surrounding. Inching forward, slow , a steady float rather than walking. Moving closer to the monarch, at a steady rate, all Gumball could do was take there an gawk. His entire thought processes, thinking of the individual coming through the portal on the wall, stopped because the individual was actually here. The portal closed as soon as he took his final step into the laboratory. The demonic spawn looking around with eyes of the color of fire. The color of a beating heart. He looks at his prince. His Gumball. They rush together in a clash, thousands of emotions running through both of them at a million miles per hour. Longing, Sadness, Depression, Happiness, And Freedom. Both with tears running down their respective faces. Of course Marshall, tears of red running down his. This moment, after 51 Weeks, made Gumball release why he truly was attracted to such a being. Because he wouldn't like it any other way. He loved the difference, the opposition, the flaws, the imperfection. He adored it. And this what's made them click. Opposites truly do attract, Gumball thinks, and if that saying wasn't more than true for this pair.

That's all I got peeps. It's been an honor, but I haven't been writing as much due to depression of my own, Ive of course gotten better. I'm not completely there and that's ok. But for right now a process is better than anything. I enjoy writing, and if I'm not putting my all into it, it just doesn't make sense.

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