Chapter XIV: Slithering Smooches

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Rights to some of the characters and plot line go to J. K. Rowling and L. J. Smith. However, most of the characters and plot are mine.

Chapter is dedicated to mollyh1998 for her support throughout writing this :)


Katherina's PoV:

"Tom, I swear to God!" Before I could think I was jumping from my seat, launching myself over the Slytherin table, and taking a running jump over the Ravenclaw table. A large gasp rippled through the hall, nobody quite understanding what I was doing. My brother and the Minister, who obviously remembered me after my last episode at St. Vladimir's Academy, both rose from their seats in shock.

"Everybody under your tables and keep your eyes closed!" I spoke forcefully, making eye contact with as many students as I could, whilst also trying to track how many seconds I had until Bernie entered the hall. My friends didn't hesitate, all making an immediate dive under their tables. Some students who sat near my friends also joined them, but the majority of people sat there, giving me a blank look.

"Okay guys, trust me, you need to listen to me." I still received blank looks.

"Rina, what's going on?" Roberto seemed uncertain, torn between confusion and wanting to trust my instincts.

"Please," I turned to the teachers table. "I'm begging, just get under your tables and close your eyes."

I shared a short look with Roberto before he nodded and turned to his colleagues. "Listen to her." Then he turned to the students. "Everybody, obey her orders, now."

Some older students remained stubborn and confused, but the majority of younger students listened to Roberto, hiding underneath the tables. None of the teachers listened.

"What is the meaning of this?" The Minister glared in my direction, already having a dislike for me.

I shook my head. "Just do it."

"I don't take orders from you, girl." He spat in my direction.

"Unless you want to get petrified or killed, GET UNDER THE TABLE AND CLOSE YOUR EYES, NOW!" A small breeze flickered through the hall as my voice raised, the whole hall freezing.

The Minister seemed more shocked than anyone. "What are you insinuating?" His voice was aghast.

"I am insinuating that the beast is about to enter this hall, so listen to me."

The hall still remained silent, nobody even daring to breathe; you could have heard a feather drop, never mind a pin. The Minister stood, eyes wide and mouth flopping like a fish

"Don't lie to-" He was cut off by the sound of a banging against the hall doors. Everyone that was left standing slowly turned that way, the air in the hall becoming stale.

Then after a full minute of silence, a long, deep hiss sounded through the wooden doors.

'Too late missstressss'

The whole hall erupted into short, sharp screams, people finally listening to me and diving under their tables, hands squeezed tightly over their eyes. Even the minister asked no more questions, the only people left standing me, Tom and Roberto. Roberto shared my affinity for snakes as well as my bloodline, although he didn't speak Parseltongue. I glared at Tom, before addressing the rest of the hall, just as the doors began to open slightly, Bernie's glowing eyes visible.

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