Chapter XVII: Exhaustion of Hair

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Rights to some of the characters and plot line go to J. K. Rowling and L. J. Smith. However, some of the characters and most of the plot are mine.


Katherina's PoV:

"Well this is quite the development, isn't it?" Dumbledore removed his spectacles, mouth opening and closing like a fish the second I burst through his door.

I didn't waste time getting agreement, the minute I saw Cathy I grabbed her in one hand, went back for a still weak Tom, grabbed him in the other and took off for Dumbledore's office. Nothing needed to be said as we stood in front of the shocked wizard, demanding to know what had happened.

A knock sounded on the door behind us, Roberto creeping in with Kiyo and Johnathan on his tail. I had telepathically called Kiyo to get our brothers and find Dumbledore as soon as I realised something was happening.

"What did you..." Roberto trailed off, mouth going wide once he saw Cathy. He froze in the doorway, Kiyo running into the back of him with Johnathan running into the back of Kiyo. It didn't take long for the younger two brothers to adopt the same expression as the professors in the room.

"Somebody needs to tell me what the hell happened." I stared at Dumbledore uncertainly.

"Well I mean, I would need to perform a few tests with the matron in the medical wing but... I think it's fairly self-explanatory." Dumbledore came around his desk, lifting Cathy's hair off her shoulder to make sure it was real.

I had already given it a swift tug, wondering the same thing.

"I don't want to say anything too soon and give you false hope, but..." The older man turned his smile on Tom. "It appears my spell was so much more successful than I imagined."

"You said it wouldn't take in one go." I glared skeptically, still not having let go of Cathy.

The older man stroked his beard. "Which is why I would like to perform some tests before confirming anything."

"Well, do them now." Kiyo also glared at Dumbledore, terrified of getting his hopes up.

Roberto was too busy glaring himself to scold either of us for being rude.

Dumbledore simply nodded. "I will take Catherine to the medical wing with Johnathan. Roberto, I believe you have a lesson and Kyron I would like it if you helped your sister take Tom here, back to his room. He looks ready to collapse and it is him, after all, that you have to thank for this."

Roberto sighed. "I can cancel my lessons for-"

"No, you will not." Dumbledore raised an eyebrow in disapproval. "You made the promise you would not let having your siblings here interfere with your job. Come and join us once the school day is over. I will inform Professor Dippet of these five being absent from today's lessons."

Roberto chose not to argue, instead taking off, as if the faster he got there the sooner it would be over.

"There." Dumbledore smiled. "Now, you take Tom to the dungeons and come to the medical ward when you're done."

Kiyo and I didn't argue either, instead looping one of Tom's arms over our shoulders, Kiyo crouching so the height difference didn't make it so awkward.

"So," Kiyo began once we reached the stairs for the dungeons. "I heard another rumour about you two being together and I know it's not true, but I thought you should be-"

I cleared my throat, wincing. Kiyo stopped speaking at the action, also stopping walking, and stared at me blankly.

"Let's get Tom inside." I spoke quietly, muttering 'pureblood' to the portrait and practically dragging Kiyo and Tom inside the Slytherin common room, and down the boy's corridor.

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