Chapter XVI: Truth or Dumbledare?

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Rights to some of the characters and plot line go to J. K. Rowling and L. J. Smith. However, most of the characters and plot are mine.


Katherina's PoV:

"Truth or dare is by far the best thing to come from muggle teens." Mason smirked as we sat in a circle the following night, our whole friendship group cramped in a corner of the Slytherin common room. Originally, the idea was to play this game in Cathy's room, but today she was feeling particularly weak and so we left her to rest, already cautious she was coming to the end of her rope.

"What is this truth or dare?" Scarlett raised a brow in wonder. "I am a muggle-born and yet I've never heard of it."

"Are you actually friends with any muggles though?" Rose laughed. "Majority of wizards don't fit in with non-magical folk."

"That's true, I always was an outcast." Scarlett shrugged, uncaring.

"Aww babe." Mason threw one long arm over her shoulder. "It's all good, you aren't anymore." He winked at her. She shrugged his arm off with an eyeroll, failing to hide her blush from the rest of us.

"Whatever, Gingie."

Christian snorted at their actions. "Calm it, love birds."

The whole group turned slowly to look at him, incredulous.

"Yeah okay, that was hypocritical." He gazed at Lisa, kissing her quickly on the nose.

"Anyway," I interrupted before the group could divert attention anymore. "It's a game muggles play. Basically, say it is your turn, we will pick someone to ask you the question 'truth or dare?' Then you pick one of the two."

Mason took over before I could take my next breath. "If you pick truth, that person will ask you a question you have to answer; if you pick dare then they will tell you to do something and you have to do it. Simple."

Scarlett nodded in understanding. "Okay, I get it. Not that I see how this could be entertaining at all."

"It just is." Rose shook her head. "Okay, I'll start, someone ask me."

"I will." Kiyo smirked, rubbing his hands together in mock evilness. "Truth or dare, Rosemarie?"

She gave him a quick glare at the use of her full name before answering. "Dare."

"You always pick dare, it's boring." Lisa rolled her eyes playfully at the brunette.

Rose stuck her tongue out in the typical mature response, before urging Kiyo to give her a good one.

"Okay, I dare you to tell Dimitri you're pregnant in your next letter to him." Kiyo smirked, but the rest of us cringed, unsure if it was too soon to be mentioning the girls estranged boyfriend.

"Fine, but he'll know it's not true." She shrugged.

"Rose, you do realise you just told us you're a virgin, right?" Adrian laughed as though she should be embarrassed.

"Better a virgin than a slut, especially at this age." I sent a condescending smile his way.

"Alright ladies, let's not have the game get bitchy." Scarlett covered a laugh with a cough.

"Right," Rose sighed. "I pick you Adrian, Truth or Dare?"

He tilted his head in thought. "Truth."

Rose clicked her tongue as she contemplated a good question. "Why is it exactly you use and abuse girls the way you do?"

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