Chapter XII: Meeting Bernie

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Rights to some of the characters and plot line go to J. K. Rowling and L. J. Smith. However, most of the characters and plot are mine.


Katherina's PoV:

Cathy and I were not woken by the screams at 6am. The good point to having her own room meant we were not woken by the goings of the rest of the school. But it meant it took till breakfast time before we were told of the murder.

"Students," Professor Dippet stood in front of the school in the great hall. "I'm sorry to have to tell you that late last night, the mindless beast that has been petrifying students, killed."

This time, nobody spoke. The hall remained deadly silent.

"At around 6am, a young first year Ravenclaw, Myrtle Warren, was found in the first-floor bathrooms, dead."

The only noise in the hall was Cathy gasping before bursting into tears. I paid no mind to the rest of the school, hopping straight over to her, lifting her from her chair and setting her in my lap. Kiyo sat on one side of me, grabbing Cathy's hands, while Roberto ran straight from the teacher table to sit on my other side and wrap both of us in his arms.

"Shhhh, it's okay Cathy, let it go." She sobbed softly, not seeming to hear Roberto's words, her whole body shaking.

"She was with us last night, I don't understand." Her voice was barely audible.

"I know baby, I know." I kissed her head as my own eyes filled with water. I blinked, knowing it was Cathy who needed to be upset, not me.

"We are unclear on how she died exactly, but we know for sure that it was the same beast who petrified the seventh year a few weeks ago." Dippet continued. "At this point in time, I am unsure what this means for the school. I have a meeting with the Minister of Magic where we will discuss the possibility of closing Hogwarts."

Still, nobody spoke. The fear in the hall was almost palpable, students terrified they may be targeted.

"From now on, if you're not in class you will be in your common rooms. Teachers or sixth and seventh years will lead you from one class to your next, do not travel anywhere without older assistance. Sixth and seventh years have more offensive experience than lower years but it's still asked you travel in groups no smaller than 5." Dipped sighed deeply. "I will know by tonight whether Hogwarts is to remain open or not. Feel free to owl your parents and we won't be angry if they pull you from Hogwarts. That will be all."

Even after he finished his speech, nobody spoke. The only sound was Cathy's quieting sobs.

"I know you can take care of yourself so take Cathy back to her room Kit-Kat, I'll go clear it with Dippet then join you." Roberto pecked both of us on the head before raising to talk to the headmaster. Slowly, scared whispers from the students began to litter the hall.

"I'll come too." Kiyo took Cathy from my arms to place her back in her chair.

"I think we all will." Lisa smiled sadly. "We should all be together."

"Well, you're all welcome anyway." I nodded.

We walked as a large group of around 15, and yet everyone still remained on edge, scanning for the first sign of danger. Only I remained calm, my anger bubbling beneath the surface. Because I knew who and what had caused this and I was going to make sure that he paid.

By killing Myrtle, Tom caused Cathy pain. Causing her pain, caused me pain. And for that, I'll repay the gesture in kind.


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