Found Her!

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Officer: I see a trail

Ross: *hops on a unicorn* let's go

Rydel: what the....

Ross: I found it

Ryland: I thought those didn't exist!

Ross: well you thought wrong *rides off*

Officer: would you like to sign up for rehab in the future? *hands Stormie and Mark a paper and pen*

S&M: yes please!! *signs the paper* now let's go!


Rocky: I hear laughing!

Officer: shhh

Laura: OMG girl! I love your nails!

BS: thanks! OMG nice shoes!

Laura: what you wanna do?

BS: color! *points at his bag*

Laura: I'll go and find some paper! *runs away quickly*

BS: cool girl!! *realizes what she's doing* WAIT!!!

Laura: *nervous* yeah?

BS: remember to get 4 sheets!

Laura: *nods*

BS: wait!!! *grabs her by the neck* I'm gonna kill you!!

Laura: after all we've been through?

BS: YES!!!! I don't wanna get arrested so no witnesses! *holds a gun to her head*

Ross: I'm going in!

Rydel: *stops him* he has a gun

Ross: I don't care!! *sneaks up behind him, takes the gun and karate chops his head*

BS: *his hoodie falls off* no!!!!!!

Cliffhanger 😄

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