Looking For Laura

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Ross: yo where's Laura?!

Rydel: calm down! Laura is lost and Riker went to find her!


Rydel: they like each other so don't worry

Ross: not that! The black shadow might come for her!

Rydel: say what now?

Ross: The Black Shadow kidnaps girls

Rydel: shoot!

Ross: I have to save her!

Rydel: lil bro.... We are coming with you

Rocky: *looks up from his pie* we are?

Rydel: we are family! Family sticks together!

Stormie: let's go find her!

~With Laura:

BS: hello Laura

Laura: how do you know who I am?

BS: don't you remember?!

Laura: no...

BS: *slaps her* in kindergarten

Laura: dude that was like what? 11 years ago?

BS: *ignores her* I was the kid who let you borrow my crayon... *tries to keep his anger in* and you broke it.... *lets his anger out* YOU BROKE IT *slaps her*

Laura: we can go to target and buy new crayons

BS: I don't have any money

Laura: *holds up $2* you wanna go?

BS: *excited* oh yippee!!! Let's go let's go!!

~They Leave~

BS: THEY DONT HAVE NEON COLORS!!!!!!!!!!! *smashes the shelf*

Laura: calm down! Neon crayons are usually behind something *moves a box of 95 crayons* see

BS: *hugs the crayon box* thank you Laura!

Laura: *laughs* (thinks: wow! What a nutjob!)

~With Ross~

Ross: where do you think she is?

Rocky: at target

Ryland: in a warehouse

Stormie: ok let's go look in old warehouses! Mark let's go!

Mark: *starts speeding*

Officer: what is your reason for speeding?

Mark: my daughter-in-law is kidnapped *winks at Ross*

Officer: *opens the back door and hops in* lets go!

Meant For You: Raura/R5 fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now