Name Problems

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~At the Lynch's House~

Riker: hey dude!

Ross: umm... Hi?

Riker: I'm your older brother, Riker

Ross: oh okay

Rocky: I'm your older brother, Rocky

Rydel: I'm your older sister, Rydel

Ratliff: I'm your older... Erm... Family friend, Ratliff

Ryland: and I'm your younger brother, Ryland!

Ross: okay... So we have; Ricky, Rockodoopoo, Rydemhu, Ratshrimp, and Ryrybread?

Riker: those aren't even close to our names!

Ratliff: Ricky is

Ryland: how the hell did you get Ryrybread out of my name?

Rocky: well you have Ry in your name

Ryland: whatever

Ross: okay... LOCOAURA!!! COME HERE!!!

Rydel: who's Locoaura?

Rocky: it must be Laura

Laura: *walks in* who's who?

Ratliff: Ross thinks your name is Locoaura

Laura: that's a horrible name

Rocky: well my name is Rockodoopoo

Laura: I stand corrected

Ross: *hugs Rydel* hi Laura! Have you seen Locoaura?

Rydel: I'm not Laura

Ross: yes you are! *looks at Laura* LOCOAURA!!! I've been searching all over for you!!

Riker: Ross, that's Laura

Ross: shut up Ricky *walks up to Rydel and licks his lips* hey Laur...

Rydel: *pushes him away* ew now it's all awkward since you're my brother

Ross: what are you talking about?! Now Laur, let's go on our first date! *grabs Rydel*

Rydel: *pulls away* no! Go out with Locoaura!

Laura: Rossy, my real name is Laura and her name *points to Rydel* is actually Rydel

Ross: okay *looks in Laura's eyes* are you telling the truth?

Laura: *nods and kisses him*

Ross: *surprised but kisses back*

Laura: *pulls away* gotta go babe! Hang out with your siblings *leaves*

Ross: okay. Ryrybread!

Ryland: *annoyed* what the hell do you want now?

Ross: kiss Ricky

Ryland: WHAT?!

Riker: WHAT?!?! UH UH!!! THATS A NO NO

Ross: do it!

Ryland: *kisses his hand then brings it to his face* there! *runs off*

Ross: good enough. Now Rockodoopoo, twerk

Rocky: whatever *starts twerking*

Ross&Riker: AHHHH MY EYES!!!!!!! *covers their eyes*

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