Just Save Her

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Girl's Dad: I'll beat you up!

Trashy: whatever

Girl's Dad: *punches him in the gut*

Girl's Mom: *kicks him*

Thousands of other People: *take turns kicking him*

Trashy: hey! Watch the hair!

Police: *walks over to Trashy* you sir, are arrested *puts handcuffs on him*

Trashy: *walks away with the police* I'll get you!

Girl's Mom: ok son, I'll just put some bandages on you *puts bandages on him*

Tyler: s-s- save her

Girl's Mom: save who?

Tyler: l-l- Laura

Girl's Mom: *puts a ice pack on his forehead* shhhh. Don't strain your voice

Tyler: f-f- for g-g- goodness sake! *sits up*

Girl's Mom: lay down! You might get even worse!

Tyler: my god woman! I freaking tell you to do one thing! One thing! And all you do is sit there and tell me to lay down or not to talk! I tell you to go and save a girl! Who knows! Maybe she's a little girl, maybe she's old! No matter what, you don't care about saving this girl!

Girl's Mom: I'll help

Tyler: finally!

Everyone: us too!

Tyler: ok! Aboard this plane! *runs toward a plane*

Workers: dang! We gonna be rich!


Ok guys! I'm very sad because most of my fans turned into haters. I know my stories suck and they are short. But don't complain to me. At least try to give it a chance. I work really hard in school and at home. I'm left to do everything since my parents are always out. People are always messaging me and telling me that I should put more effort into my work and stop being such a (don't read if can't handle a bad word) bitch. Well, I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers. I am the oldest so I have to do all the work. So please, don't be so negative and mean. It's not going to get you anywhere in life, except in hell. And by the way haters, they won't even want you in hell. Haters gonna hate!

Meant For You: Raura/R5 fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now