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Stormie: *breaks the doors open*

Lady Behind the Counter: so do you wanna pay for that with cash or credit?

Stormie: *walks over to her* umm... Cash please

Lady Behind the Counter: okay.... Mhmm... *takes her money* thank you

Stormie: oh I almost forgot! Where is room 123?

Lady Behind the Counter: *points to a door* right there

Stormie: thanks *runs off*

~In Room 123~

Stormie: *runs in and stares at them* guys?

Ross: *wakes up and starts screaming*

Stormie: *eyes widen and grabs his hand*

Laura: *wakes up too and starts screaming*

Stormie: *grabs her hand and entwines their hands together*

L&R: *stops screaming and sits up*

Stormie: *backs up* umm guys?

L&R: *stand up and face each other*

Stormie: *thinks they're gonna fight and runs off to find a doctor*

L&R: *start making out roughly*

Stormie: *returns with a doctor*

L&R: *having VERY VERY VERY VERY rough sex*

Stormie: umm doctor?

Doctor: *looks at them* it seems to appear that they have sexamonia...

Stormie: *confused* say what?

Doctor: this causes them to have sex... Not often but once in a while

Stormie: is there a way to cure it?

Doctor: yes but... It is very risky.... Would you want to do the procedure or naw?

Stormie: ...


What do you guys want? Choose now! Offer ends soon.

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