Memory Loss... Again

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Laura: Ross?

Ross: hi?

Laura: Rossy!! *hugs him and then tries to kiss him*

Ross: *pushes her away* stop!

Laura: what?

Ross: why are you trying to kiss me?!

Laura: I'm your girlfriend....

Ross: you're a liar! You're probably a fan who wants me to date me!

Laura: *pushes a button* DOCTOR!!!!!!! DOCTOR!!!!!!

Doctor: *runs in* what's the problem?!

Laura: he doesn't remember me!

Doctor: he has some memory loss. Don't worry it will come back in about a day or two

Laura: but I want him to have his memory back now!

Doctor: there's nothing I can do. I'm sorry *leaves*

Rydel: *walks in* hey little bro

Ross: who are you?

Rydel: *eyes widen* oh no

Ross: *looks at Laura* you're pretty stranger

Laura: *blushes but cringed at the word stranger*

Ross: what's wrong?

Laura: I lost my boyfriend

Ross: oh

Stormie: hey baby! *hugs Ross*

Ross: *pushes her away* get off of me lady!

Stormie: excuse me??!!!! *about to cause a fight*

Laura: Stormie... He has memory loss....

Stormie: oh... But still, he shouldn't talk to a person like that

Doctor: *walks in* he's free to go home now. You just have to sign the papers.

Stormie: ok. Thank you doctor *leaves to sign the papers*

Laura: *cries onto Ross's chest* I wish you remembered me

Ross: *patted her back awkwardly* umm I do too?

Laura: *just cries harder* I just became your girlfriend, your own brother stabbed you, and then you lost your memory. What a great day

Ross: that all happened?

Laura: *nods and slumps down into her chair* yeah..

Ross: I believe you Laura

Laura: *eyes widen* OMG!! YOU REMEMBERED MY NAME!!! Try to remember more stuff

Ross: your house burned down and then you had to live with us?

Laura: OMG *hugs him*

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