Chapter 6~ i like you

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I woke up the next morning in Michael's arms on my sofa I felt so happy the happiest I've felt in a long time, do you know that feeling you get when your with someone and it just feels right like it's meant to be well that's how I'm feeling now. I can't remember much of what happened last night except drinking on the sofas outside and having a laugh with the gang and falling asleep on Michael outside that's about it. I looked up at Michael and he was peacefully asleep. I could hear the tv playing good morning America kind quietly, I could smell coffee. I looked over at the other sofa where Ashton usually sleeps and there was no one there. So I thought he was in the kitchen making coffee. I slowly got up off Michael trying now to wake him, I succeeded and walked to the kitchen where I saw Ashton cooking what looked like pancakes and making coffee. He noticed me and said "good morning lau, how you feeling?" I replied with " good morning to you too ash, I'm doing good thank you what about you?" Ashton said "I'm alright I'm used to hang overs now ahah" Lauren~"I'm so lucky I don't get them hehe" Ashton ~" you've never got a hangover before?" Lauren~ "nope it's like I'm immune to them ahah" Ashton ~ "you're so lucky I wish I was like that, would you like some coffee and pancakes?" Lauren~ "I'll just take a coffee please I rarely eat breakfast but thanks anyway" I smiled "no problem" Ashton said staring the mugs of coffee he had prepared. He handed me a mug of coffee as I thanked him. I took a sip of it and it was so nice, is he like a pro coffee maker or something? I asked myself giggling as a response to myself in my head. " so are you ready to go wake everyone up?" Ashton smiled deviously, I grinned " let's do it" I put my coffee down and we ran around screaming making sure everyone was up before we stoped (we're so nice I know 😂🤣) it took about 10 minutes to get everyone up and in too the lounge and 5 minutes to get everyone to stop complaining about why we woke them up so early. It wasn't that hard because basically everyone had a hangover so everyone wanted to be quiet (for once) anyway. An hour later good morning America finished and everyone went to go get ready for the day I told Luke and Michael they can use my bathroom and bedroom, Ashton and Calum used the spare bathroom and living room while I took everyone's dishes out to the kitchen and washed them in the sink then put them on the drying rack to dry. "I'll put them away later" I said to myself. I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and took a sip from it. I put the lid back on and put it on the counter then jumped up and sat next to it and scrolled through my twitter and Instagram following,  liking and commenting on stuff to pass the time, a few minutes later Michael came in and said "me and Luke are finished in your room and bathroom you can get ready now if you wanna" "okay thank you"I smiled sweetly. I jumped off the counter grabbed my water and walked to my room still looking at stuff on my phone. I went to the bathroom and did what I had to then I went into my room and got some ripped knee black skinny jeans, a nirvana cropped vest, my falling in reverse jacket, some black socks, my black and white vans and a black and red lingerie set. I put them on and also put on some random bracelets a jack skeleton necklace and black ear tunnels. I did my simple everyday makeup and straightened my hair then threw a SnapBack on. Once I was all done I grabbed my car keys, my phone, my purse, my water, a charger, headphones and threw them into a drop dead backpack except my phone and keys. I went into the living room and everyone was sitting on the sofas talking but Michael and Luke were on the floor In front of the tv playing FIFA. I sat down next to ellie and said to everyone "so what do you guys wanna do today?" After 30 ish  minutes of thinking of what to do we decided. 11am~shopping for odd things that we needed for tour 1pm~nandos 2pm~Walmart for more stuff 3:30~come back start packing.(11am) we all went to my van got in and I drove us to the mall, we went in basically every shop and got a bunch of stuff. We went back to the van put our things in the boot then went to nandos, we had food and talked about random stuff, after nandos we went to Walmart, target, dollar tree and some thrift stores because why not. (4pm) we got all out stuff from the van and started to pack, me and Michael were in my room packing, Ashton calum and Luke were in the living room, ellie was in her room, josh and James were at there apartment. Ellie had music on in her room, luke, ash and cal had music on the tv in the living room and me and Michael had music on my tv in my room. We packed and sang along to songs for a while occasionally talking through breaks and stuff. It was 5:30 and me and Michael decided to take a break from packing so we decided to go do the bands laundry so we could put more stuff in our suitcases later if we needed them.(the laundry room) we just put all out stuff in the washer and are now sitting on top of the washers talking. "Lauren... I need to tell you something" Michael said scratching the back of his neck. "Sure ask away mikey" I said feeling kinda nervous about what he's gunna say. "Well..umm.. I do t know h-how t-to say this but I'm j-just gunna try my best to explain" Michael stuttered nervously. "Okay mike I'm listening" I said reassuringly. "Well since the first time I heard your voice on the radio and the first time I saw you on tv I've had a crush on you and since I saw you in real life It's been getting bigger and bigger everyday so what I'm trying to say is I really really like you like sooo damn much and I was wondering if you feel the same and would like to go an a date with me tonight but if you don't it's fine I guess" Michael said quite fast but I could understand every word. I was kinda shocked and I couldn't form words, Michael looked sad, I got off the washer went up to Michael and kissed him wrapping my arms around his neck. He was surprised at first but soon kissed back and wrapped his arms around my waist. After a few seconds we pulled away and we both smiled ear to ear, "so I'll take that as a yes and I love you so much Michael I wanna be with you forever and ever and ever" he smirked and winked. I blushed and said "you can take it however you want but it meant I will go on a date with you for the free food because I hate you" I winked. He grabbed my waist and said "oh really, you hate me huh, so why did you kiss me if you hate me hmm" he raised and eyebrows, "because I hate like you" I said giggling "well I hate like you as well then" Michael smiled "good" I said cheekily and kissed his cheek then got the clothes out of the washer and put them into the dryer and sat on top af it. I watched Michael as he did the same as he smirked looking at me a few times. When he was sat on the dryer I asked him where we were going and what time. He replied with "I was thinking 8 o'clock to the bowling alley then the arcade then somewhere for food then for a walk along the beach?" He questioned "sounds perfect" I smiled and pecked his lips, we just talked while waiting for the clothes to be done (6:20) we are in the elevator on our way back up to our apartment within a few seconds we were there, we walked into the apartment and went to my bedroom to put our things in there, Michael took the rest of his bands stuff into the living room and gave it to them and he was talking to them and I went into Ellies room to take her washing in with the biggest smile on my face I shut her door behind me put her stuff next to her on her bed. She looked at me and said " what's up with that big smile on your face, what happened?" I sat at the bottom of her bed facing her and said "well me and Michael went to do laundry and he confessed his feelings for me and asked me on a date" I said excitedly "OMG REALLY I didn't think he'd do it" she said "WHAT YOU KNEW ABOUT THIS AND DIDNT TELL ME 😱" i practically screamed I was lucky the music in here was loud so the guys didn't hear me. "I wanted to but I thought it would be better for you to hear it from him, we all did but we told him if he didn't tell you by tonight we would" she said defensively "ahhh okay well thank you and I need to go and get ready" I smiled "wait you're going on a date tonight?" She asked "yep 8 o'clock" I replied "what am I supposed to do" she shouted "don't worry josh and James are coming up I got you guys alcohol I'll order you pizza and you can have music and the Xbox or wii or PlayStation or whatever you want, just clean up after you or imma fight you all" I said giving her evil eyes at the last bit but we both ended up laughing "okay we will" she said "good, see ya later homie" I said opening the door walking out "see ya good luck b"she shouted as I closed the door.

A/n sorry this is kinda long and boring but I'm trying my best, if for some reason you like this please vote as always thank you for reading stay positive say weird stay you and peace out ✌

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