Chapter 2 truth dare or strip with 5sos

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It was Michael I said "yeah I can't sleep what about you?"He replied" yeah same can I cuddle with you?"I said" yeah sure" He came in shut the door quietly and crawled in to my bed. We spooned he was the big spoon I was the little spoon. He was so warm and he fit perfectly with my body. I missed this feeling I used to do it with my ex boyfriend until he cheated on me with his ex girlfriend. I don't miss him he was a dick but he did have his soft spot sometimes. I just miss the feeling of having someone there for you and someone to cuddle with and talk to. But now I have Ellie for that, she's my bae and I luv her(as a friend). It would be nice to have a boyfriend again But I'm not bothered most of the time I just got used to Ellie being here; It's just the worst at night when you have no one and you feel so alone. I heard soft snoring next to me I guess Michael is asleep I turned in his arms and laid on his chest he tightened his grip and I cuddled closer to him and slowly fell asleep. I woke up in the same position as I fell asleep cuddling Michael with our feet tangled together and arms wrapped loosely around each other. I stared at Michael looking over every little detail in his face and watching him lightly snoring. He fluttered his eyes slightly open looked at me then smiled and said "good morning beautiful" I smiled and slightly went red"good morning mikey" I said "you hungry" I asked "yep" he replied "do u like pancakes?" I said with a smile "yuss I love them" we got up Michael put his shirt and skinny jeans on (he slept in just boxers XD or did he go commando and not put on pants in the morning ahah you'll never know;) ) I had Ronnie radke hoods up shorts and a pierce the veil vest on I put on my white with two red stripes on top knee high socks. we walked into the kitchen I was making pancakes for us all I also made bacon and eggs for everyone except myself because I don't like them. Michael was making tea or coffee for us all. The pancakes bacon eggs tea and coffee was done I got some fruit that I chopped up yesterday from the fridge and put it on my plate instead of bacon and eggs. we put the stuff on the table. We woke everyone up by screaming and shaking them. They all groaned and got up but thanked us for making breakfast I woke up Ellie and she chucked a pillow at me so I jumped on her bed hitting her with the pillow and shouting wake up until she got up. she had enough and threw a pillow at me again and walked into the living room and ate with the others. i joined them for a bit I put all our dishes in the sink then I went to my room and got changed into black and white American flag skinny jeans and a Sleeping with sirens vest and my iron maiden denim jacket again. I did my hair and put pencil eyeliner on the bottom of my eyes and mascara on the top and bottom eyelashes. Then I brushed my teeth and went into the living room and drank coffee with the rest. Ellie had the tv on she was watching kerrang and everyone else was just making conversation. Then Ashton said "Mike I woke up at 5 o'clock this morning to go to the toilet and you weren't on the sofa so I went to look for you I looked everywhere, I happened to go to Lauren's bed room and I saw you there cuddling with Lauren anything you two wanna tell us" " umm... Uhh... I couldn't sleep because the sofa was uncomfortable so I asked if I could sleep with her and she said yeah and I wanted to cuddle with her so" Michael said. Ashton replied with "so are you dating or just ya know 'buddies'(fuck/cuddle buddies)" Michael said "no we're just friends...for now" then looked at me and winked. I smiled and blushed. "So u like her" nearly everyone said Michael blushed and so did I. I walked to my room I'm so used to being lead on and rejected that I didn't want to hear the answer to be honest, I'm not much I'm worthless  I sat on my bed and my phone rang it was John. I answers it and he basically said we have to spend the whole week together and prepare for the tour. And that he was sending us a bunch of stuff to sign for both bands and we were having 2 merch guy's per band with us on tour but they'll be with the crew in a different bus and the stuff will be here in an hour. We said goodbye and I hung up. I went out and told them the news and we all cheered and decided to have a mini celebration party with just all 8 of us tonight after signing. 30 minutes later a man knocked on my door with a bunch of boxes and we all grabbed some boxes and brought them in. I signed for the boxes then shut the door 5sos took the coffee table to sign stuff and we used the floor kerrang was still playing on the tv but Michael turned it up a bit because it was quite quiet. We passed the things around to sign and in 2 and a half hours we were done. When we were signing things I kept seeing Michael glancing at me now and again and smiling when our eyes met. I called John to tell him we were done and he was gunna send some one to collect the merch. We put the things back in boxes and stacked the boxes by the door then we all sat down like we did yesterday on the sofas and me and Michael on the floor we all talked and me and Michael played Fifa we bet if I won Michael had to buy me pizza and he said if he won I had to kiss him my face grew hot but I said "it's on like donkey kong" he laughed and we played. half an hour went by and we were both drawing with 2-2 everyone stared at the tv intensely I was winning I just had to score we had 1 minute left within that 60 seconds I scored I got up and shouted yes I won and did a happy dance. I sat back down and said "you owe me pizza" he laughed and said "okay I'll ring them now" I shouted "yuss thank youuuu" and he smiled and walked into the kitchen orderd 4 pizzas and got some alcohol. When he finished he brought in the alcohol and said "the pizzas will be here in 10 - 20 minutes we all said okay and thank you and we all just made conversation and I put kerrang back on King for a day came on and me and Ellie looked at each other got up and danced and sang like no one was watching everyone laughed but soon joined in. After the song finished adverts came on so we sat down and talked and drunk alcohol. The pizza come and Michael answers the door and payed for it he came back in and put the pizzas on the table in front of us I grabbed a slice of pizza and bit it I looked for something to watch on the TV. Family guy was on and who doesn't like family guy. so I put it on and slowly ate my slice of pizza. Everyone was talking and eating pizza while I just sat there quietly eating my slice after I finished my pizza slice I grabbed a beer of the table and downed it. Then took another one and just sipped it taking my time. My phone buzzed in my pocket signalling I had a text so I took it out of my pocket and read the message it was from Ellie who was on the sofa behind me but on the other end of it. *Our conversations*
E: hey you okay you're barley talking and only ate one slice of pizza is some thing wrong?
L: hey no I'm good thanks I just don't feel like eating and I'm quite tired.
E: okay as long as you're okay that's good
L: thanks anyway
E: no problem any thing for my boo
*end of conversation*
I looked at her and smiled. I decided to join in with the conversation and we decided to do vodka shots we did 10 each any everyone but me was smashed. It take a lot to get me drunk. Luke dared me to down the whole bottle of Smirnoff straight so I thought why not and I did. My throat burned like hell but I got cheers and I got smashed but kept on drinking my beer. We decided to play truth dare or strip you basically have to pick truth or dare and if you don't do what they say you have to take off a clothing item and take 2 shots of vodka we all sat in a circle on the floor Ellie asked me truth or dare I picked dare and she dared me to make out for 30 seconds with anyone in the room. I said "okay well I'm not getting up so il just do it to Michael because he's closest to me." I sat on Michaels lap with my legs each side of him my hands on his jaw and stared in his eyes inching closer and closer to him until our lips brushed I stayed there for a second I could tell it was driving Michael mad he connect our lips and we kissed it was getting heated so we basically made out my hands moved to his hair and we were grinding on each other moans were escaping Michaels lips and hearing Michael moans made me moan. Luke said "times up, wow I didn't hear the part where Ellie said start making a porno ahah" we pulled apart our heads still touching and looking into each other's eyes Michael said "wow best make out session I've ever had" "thank you me too" I said and giggled. I got off him sitting back in my original space everyone stared at us like wow what the fuck just happened. We soon got back to the game Michael dared Ellie to make out with Jamie and she didn't wanna do it but it happened and she wanted to get revenge on Michael(she knew Michael liked Lauren)so she dared me to do what I did to Michael to Luke so I sat on Luke's lap with my legs each side of him and made out with him and we grinder on each other we were both moaning a lot. Our 60 seconds was up and I got off him and sat back by Michael. Michael had a mix of emotions he looked sad,angry, jealous and hurt. I felt bad for doing it but I didn't wanna strip plus it's not like were dating or anything. I mean yeah I have a crush on him but I don't know how he feels about me I guess he kinda likes me but for all I know he could be faking it and Luke is very attractive but if I had to choose between them I'd choose Michael every time, over anyone.

Hiya I hope you like this chapter and the book please comment and vote that would be great ily guys peace out ✌🏻️🤘🏻

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