Chapter 8

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The rest of the week passed by in a blur of classes and Zander's kisses. He still hadn't technically asked me out, but we were as close as any couple. It felt like we had known each other for so much longer than we had. We just had a... connection. I had barely seen Liam all week, he showed up to the school the next day with a nasty bruise along his jaw. He'd kept a wide berth from Zander, and since Zander walked with me through the halls between most classes, Liam had stayed away from me too.

It was Friday now, and Lilli was coming over tonight for our sleepover. As I'd gotten to know her, I'd realized we actually had a lot in common and were becoming fast friends. She also had come up with a couple name for Zander and I. "Zava" she had said. Zander had despised the name at first, but now it was just becoming familiar.

7th period had just ended and we were on our way to the parking lot. Lilli was gonna go home, grab some stuff, and then Zander was gonna drop her off at my house. Zander, Lilli, and I walked in the direction of our cars. Kya and Jenna were staying after school for Yearbook. We got to my white truck and Zander's blue jeep, parked a few spaces away.

"So 7 right?" Lilli asked. "Yea. My parents are going to dinner with their friends so it'll just be us." I said. "Cool! More pizza for us!" Lilli said excitedly. "Yea." I laughed. Lilli smiled and headed off to their car. I smiled up at Zander. "See ya at 7." I told him. "You bet." he said with a smile. He kissed my cheek and got into his jeep.

I got into the truck and turned the radio on. "Sparks Fly" by Taylor Swift came on , and I sang along all the way home.

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