Chapter 1

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Bobby and Micheal were captains and they started choosing teams. I was first pick, of course.

"Jayde you're on my team!" Micheal hollered. Bobby kissed his teeth.

"Dang man, how come you always pick her first?" Bobby whined.

"Because I'm smart. " Micheal boasted.

He looked over at me and threw me a wink. I winked back. Micheal and I worked really well together on and off the court. Him and I were best friends, everyone thought there was something more when in reality, there wasn't, as far as I knew. Bobby and Micheal chose the rest of their players and Bobby was left one player short.

"Hey man, I need another player." Bobby noted.

"Hang on, I've got you." Micheal said.

He looked at me strangely before he turned to call someone.

"Hey Ryan! Ryan, come here real quick!!" Micheal yelled across the gym to Ryan.

"No,no,no not Ryan. Anyone but Ryan. If he plays I'm not playing." I warned immediately.

As Ryan began to jog over, Micheal smirked. "Come on Jay, don't be like that." he said. I scolded him. Ryan stopped dead in front of Micheal and then looked at me with his piercing blue eyes. He smiled, his all too perfect bright eyed, white teeth smile. I didn't want to smile back, but I did.

"What's up, Mike?" Ryan asked.

"We're short a player, and need you to play." Micheal explained. I crossed my arms and kicked the gym floor.

"No we don't," I mumbled. Ryan looked over at me.

"Huh?" he asked. I shook my head.

"Nothing, I said nothing." I lied. Oh Micheal, when will you learn to mind your own business, I thought to myself. Ryan shrugged.

"Sure. Whose team am I on?" he asked Michael. Michael pointed at Bobby. Then Ryan swung his head to see where Michael was pointing.

"Bobby's." Michael said. Ryan nodded, and ran over to Bobby. Bobby's team was in a huddle, probably discussing some game plan that would never work.

"Okay, I'm out of here. Sianara!" I told Michael and the rest of our team beginning to jog off of the court, but I was too slow, Michael snatched my wrist with his hand and pulled me back.

"Not so fast." Michael said, forcing me beside him.

"Really Michael?" I asked. Michael glared at me disappointedly, I snatched my wrist from his grasp, and peered up at him innocently.

"Jayde." he said sternly.

"What?" I asked attempting to sound clueless, but I assumed I'd failed, because I was terrible at hiding my emotions, especially with Michael. He knew me far too well.

"When are you going to be mature about this? It's been... what?.. four months?" He asked, I nodded, and looked up at the cieling.

"Yeah so?" I shrugged, rolling my eyes.

" two were the cutest couple last year! And I know especially that the two of you were in love, mostly because he was all you ever talked about, and you were all he ever talked about. And just because you never talked about the break up, with your best friend," Michael paused and pointed at himself. "Which I am still offended that you never opened up about it, you still need to figure things out with Ryan. If you can't be a couple again, you should at least give friendship a try." Michael lectured. I glanced over at Ryan, he was already facing me. He winked at me. I blushed and turned back to Michael. I cleared my throat. Michael looked at me knowingly, and I could tell he'd seen Ryan's affect on me.

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