Chapter 8

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I stared at my phone, with Ryan's number on the screen, and watched as the lights blurred together, my eyes watering. I let the tear fall, before shutting my eyes tight to hold back any other drops from threatening to fall. Then I pressed dial. It rang. The line went live.

"Hey Ryan." I said when I heard breathing on the other end.

"Jayde! Thank God you called! I really need to talk to you. About the fight, I'm so sorry about attacking Michael. I know he's your best friend, and I over-reacted, and I was stupid and erratic. I wasn't thinking straight. I only went after him because I was scared you might leave me for him, I was insecure and dumb. I'm so sorry. Will you forgive me?" he asked, without taking a breath.

"Of course, I forgive you. But we need to talk about something else." I said calmly, taking deep breaths.

"What about?" he asked, unknowingly.

"Ryan, this isn't working." I told him, he said nothing. "I'm breaking up with you." I continued. "I hope you can understand." I added, another tear slipping down my cheek, with out my permission. I sniffled, and closed my eyes. Just to listen, enhancing one sense over my others.

"But Jayde, I love you." he said. His voice sent chills up my back and through my fingertips.

"Please don't tell me that, Ryan. I have to go. Good night." I said. It was hard enough already, hearing him earnestly tell me he loved me, made me feel horrible.

"Can't we talk about this?" he begged. A dozen tears slid down my cheeks, unevenly. I opened my eyes and glanced at my clock, it was barely visible. It was 9:45 pm. The time that our date had ended the other night. Cruel irony.

"Good night, Ryan." was all I could manage. Then I hung up. I couldn't take it anymore, I let the tears pour out my eyes, and cried into my pillow. I didn't even shower that night, I just put on my pajamas and went to bed, in tears, falling asleep in my puddle of tears.

The next morning it was Wednesday. Thank God! Half-way through the week, and more importantly, early day. I got on the bus and Amy sat in her seat, super anxious. She rubbed her hands together, as though she was warming up by a campfire.

"Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!" she cheered.

"It's really not that big of a deal." I told her, lifeless.

"Well, I want to know." she told me.

"Well you already know about the second one, and last night was over the phone, tragic, but you want me to tell you what happened last summer right?" I asked her. She nodded vigorously.

"Yes." she agreed, enthusiastically. Her face blanketed with interest like a puppy ready to fetch for the ball.

"Okay." I said. "How about you just ask questions and I'll answer them, in full detail." I suggested, leaning back in my seat.

Author's note:

If you guys want:

You can comment questions you want Amy to ask Jayde, and I can write it into the story. And thank you so much for reading!

"What did he do that made you want to break up with him?" she asked.

"He lied to me, and got me excited for no reason. He planned this fancy date, and never came to pick me up. Then he forgot to even call or text me." I told her.

"What did he get you for your birthday?" she asked.

"Nothing. He forgot my birthday, he thought it was two days later, and bought me earings, and this necklace." I told her, pointing at the LOVE necklace on my neck.

"That was rude of him, forgetting your birthday." she said.

"I forgot his, on purpose. I remembered for the longest, January 14th, but then I forced myself to forget." I told her.

"What else? How did you break up with him?" she asked.

"In person, the day he came to apologize about not coming to the movie date. We were supposed to meet up in the Regal theater to watch the newest release of whatever movie it wasm and he never showed up, I was approached by 5 other guys as I sat there alone, but turned them all down. Hoping Ryan was on his way, I had faith he would come." I remembered the painful memory.

"He stood you up?" she gasped. I nodded.

"Isn't that the worst?" I asked, she nodded.

"Yeah. I don't like being let down, or lied to, I deserve better than that. And surely don't want some guy with a short temper who punched my best friend right before my eyes. And thinks that an apoligee will fix everything. It takes a lot more than words, when is he going to learn that?" I vented. Amy rubbed my shoulders to calm me down. The bus stopped and we both scurried off.

"I get why you didn't ever want to talk about it." she said. "And why you didn't trust him." she added. I nodded. We walked to class in silence and Amy and I split as she passed her class, leaving me to walk to my class alone. The halls seemed so empty without Ryan and Michael. The day went by slower than I hoped. I felt as though I was just going through the motions, I was out of it. When I got off the bus, afterschool, I saw an unfamiliar figure behind the oak tree I pass every day, on the street of my house.

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