Chapter 4

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As I looked up her eyes met mine. She looked so beautiful, as usual. I stood to help her with the many heavy textbooks she held in her hands.

"Thanks." she said, her voice was weak. I bet she has no idea how in love with her I am. I didn't know how this whole study thing was going to go. I mean after what had just happened in the car and I didn't know what Jayde was bothered by. I mean, I knew it was me, based on our conversation, but I didn't know what I did. As far as I knew we were completely starting over. I thought she had forgiven me already. She sat on her couch across from me.

"So." she said clearing her voice. She stared at the textbooks before flickering her light hazel eyes up to my eyes. She smiled, her amazing smile. Then her cheeks flushed with color. She was so cute when she blushed. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked, her voice scratched mid-sentence.

"Like what?" I asked innocently, letting my voice drop dangerously low, to drive her mad.

"Never mind." she waved her hand dismissing the subject. "Let's start with Geometry." She reached for the textbook, and I snatched it before she could even touch it. She half smiled, then frowned. "Stop it, Ryan." She said firmly. She crossed her arms, and looked away.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked her.

"No," she shook her head. "Are you planning on reading Chapters 1-5 aloud to me?" She asked in a strict tone. Maybe, I thought. Evidently, I wasn't focused so I decided against it. She looked back at me.

"No." I sighed in defeat, and put the book in her hand. She smiled triumphantly.

"That's what I thought." She huffed, and tossed a light brown strand of hair over her shoulder. She was so delicate and angelic, but still tough and feisty. Hot! And her body... Perfection. But I respect her more than she knows.

"You can read," I told her. She opened the book in her lap, then looked up at me.

"Thank you." She nodded. She started on a page not too far into the ginormous textbook. I followed her luscious lips as she read. I wanted to kiss her so bad, it was crazy.

"Geometric Angles Chapter 1-1. An angle that is congruent to.." She continued reading the page, but my mind trailed off... Thinking about her.


I read on until I finally reached chapter 2. I could tell he wasn't even paying attention. He was staring at the coffee table as I read about vertical angles And corresponding angles. Why wasn't he listening? Then he looked at me, I could feel his eyes on my face, staring intently.

"Jayde." He said, interrupting me.

"Yes?" I responded uneasily. I hated how weak my voice must've sounded. He stood and came to sit beside me. He ran his long fingers through his dirty blonde hair, it had began to brown since it was winter.

"How do I say this?" he asked himself aloud. He looked from the back of the couch to me. "I can't take this anymore." he said, raising his tone, in subtle frustration.

"Take what?" I asked, surprised by his tone of voice, my voice still shaky.

"This." he waved hands between us. "For this to work you have to trust me, you have to know I'll be here for you, and that I love you. And most of all you must tell me what's wrong." he said. The worst part of everything he said, was the fact that is was all true. I stared into his eyes, and for once we leveled. It felt like this time, for the first time, he really couldn't see through me with those crystal blue eyes, and it killed him. It hurt to see his light eyes sulk. Now I knew I had to come clean. This was the right time to tell him everything.

"You're right." I admit. He didn't change his expression, he looked at me blankly, anticipating every ounce of the God given truth, which is what I ended to tell him. "I need to tell you the truth. So here it is," I paused. He clasped his hands and gave me his full attention. I cleared my throat. "The thing is.." how should I tell him? "I want this to work too. I just don't know if I can trust you. I mean what if you mess up and break my heart all over again? Then what? You're all good, but I'm in tears. How is that fair? I'm scared, Ryan. I'm scared, because I don't know what's going to happen, and I don't want to get hurt again." I told him, as much as I could. He frowned, then pulled me into a hug. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my head in his neck, a tear slipped down my cheek.

"I will never hurt you again." He said. I pulled away and our eyes met.

"You promise?" I sniffled.

"I promise. Pinky swear." He teased and stuck out his pinky. I wrapped my pinky around his. He pulled me in to him. Then he looked at my lips and licked his own. I felt my front teeth come down on my lower lip. He brushed a loose hair behind my ear, and put his hand around my waist. Our eyes fell shut, I sensed him lean towards my face and brushed his nose against mine, he brought his soft plump pink lips to the corner of my lips then slowly brushed them to the center pressing his lips against mine gently and firmly. I felt sparks all up and down my back and neck, through my fingers, and I let my hands come up and drape around his neck. As I tried to pull away he brought me closer, sinking deeper into the kiss, and making me wish I could never leave his embrace. I twirled a lock of his blonde hair in my fingers. Our lips danced, parting then crashing back together in gracious harmony. We both pulled away coming up for air, taking well needed deep breaths.

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