Chapter 6

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The bus stopped and we both stood. We walked off the bus.

"I understand." I told Amy. We hugged and she headed to her house. I hurried to my house to get dressed, in a casual jersey that Ryan had given me last summer, my skinny jeans, my leather belt, and my boots. I curled my hair quickly. I packed my dress, black flats, and hair tie for later. That's when I got a text message from Ryan.

Ryan: I'm on my way

Me: Okay

Ryan: I'll be there in ten minutes.

Me: I'm ready.

He was at the door at exactly 5:45pm.

"Hey gorgeous." He said once I opened the door. He kissed my cheek then looked at my outfit, I held my change of clothes in a duffle bag. "That's what you're wearing?" he asked. I nodded. He made a shocked face.

"Yep." I said. "But I have a change of clothes in my bag. I whispered, leaning in to his ear. That's when my little sister came to the door.

"Is that your boyfriend?" my sister, Amber, asked obnoxiously.

"Yes." I told her. She giggled.

"He is cute." she stated.

"Shouldn't you be playing with your dolls, showering, or something?" I asked her.

"No! I'm in fourth grade, and it's Monday I don't have to go to bed until 9pm." Amber said. I rolled my eyes. Then I heard the stomps of my little brother, Luke.

"Hey, I want to see who it is." He whined, popping his head to the door, budding between Amber and I. Luke was in second grade and liked to be included.

"Hi Ryan." Luke said. I forgot how well he remembered names.

"I remember you from last time." Like told Ryan.

"I remember you too." Ryan said. I couldn't help smiling. Ryan looked at me. "We should go." he said. I agreed.

"Bye mom! Bye dad!" I called into the house trying to escape them. But I moved too slow, mom came from the kitchen to the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" my mother asked.

"The football game." I told her. Ryan addressed his football attire. I nodded.

"Okay. Remember be safe, and be home by 10pm." she told me. I hugged her and went off with Ryan. Luke and Amber waved us off.

"Bye!" They called after us. When we arrived, Ryan had to get to the field, right away.

There were only 10 minutes before the game was starting. I found a seat on the bleachers and Rachel came and sat beside me. She was a total big mouth. I'd been friends with her in 6th grade until she found out I liked Ryan and stopped talking to me. She didn't say anything. Red and blue face paint was on her cheeks, and she wore a bright red bow in her dirty blonde ponytail. The crowd was scattered with the colors of the flag to show school spirit. Our mascot, a white husky came into the stands and began to hype up the crowd. I stood with everyone as the cheerleaders came out shouting.

"Let's go Huskies! Let's go!" They chanted. Then a really skinny red head, sprung up into the air and pointed her toe into the sky, she came down and they all cheered :

"Wooo! Let's go CFH! Go Huskies!" I liked Cypress Falls, it was better than I thought it would be. As I stared at the field, number 34 caught my eye. It was Michael, he waved at me and I could've sworn I saw him wink. That wasn't normal. Then I saw number 12's helmet turn from my direction to Michael's then back to me, it was Ryan. He waved at me, and threw me a kiss. I waved back and caught his kiss. That's when Rachel spoke up.

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