Chapter 7

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As I got off the bus, Amy, Cece, and Katy were all anxious. "Okay. Just tell me already." I said exasperated. Katy spoke first.

"I was there when it happened." Katy said.

"But I want to tell her, I knew it all along." Cece whined.

"Michael likes you." Amy said at last. My heart stopped for a moment, all I could manage was a laugh, a hearty and nervous laugh.

"That's hilarious. Really a good one." I told her. She had no expression. I could tell that was it, they were all serious. "For real?!" I asked. They nodded in unison. How could this be? I mean Michael and I were just friends, best friends. Nothing more. Right? Oh no. "I think I like him too." I thought aloud. Rachel was very close and had just got off her bus, she looked at me, her eyes wide, then she bolted to the gate entrance. Curse my stupidity. I cursed under my breath. What was I thinking? Why would I say that?

"You do?!" Cece asked, she flung her head forward and her long dark brown hair fell over her shoulders. Amy and Katy looked at me, their eyes asking the same question.

"I said I think." I told them. The whole walk to my class, they lectured me about how perfect Ryan was, clearly not understanding my train of thought. They mentioned how perfect Ryan and I are together, and how I'd break his heart, I blocked them out with my thoughts. I knew all of that already. But I didn't know how I felt, that was my problem. Did I really like Michael? I asked myself. I mean we had our moments but even if I did like Michael I was still in love with Ryan. I tried not to stress, but that didn't work out that well.


As Rachel approached me I could smell the drama she was drenched in. I couldn't even remember why I had been friends with her in the first place. I could almost hear the rumor before she told it, but she started with,

"Hey Ryan." she greeted really flirty. It disgusted me.

"Hi Rachel." I said plainly.

"You'll never guess what I heard." she said with a sway, her hands clasped in front of her. Here it comes.

"What is it?" I asked, not caring too much.

"It's about Jayde." she added, spiking my interest.

"Go on." I urged.

"Well, I heard her tell her friends she liked Michael." she told me, she rubbed my back affectionately, I felt uncomfortable. Like a stranger in my own shoes. I felt naked and out of place. She couldn't be telling the truth.

"You're lying!" I defended. She shook her head.

" I wish I were, cupcake. It hurts me to see you like this. But I'm not. Just wait until lunch, I also heard that Michael's planning on talking to her today." she gossiped. And for the first time, I actually appreciated her big mouth.

"Thanks Rachel." I said.

"And Ryan," She called, as I tried to walk away, I acknowledged her. "If you were my boyfriend, I wouldn't have feelings for anyone else." she told me with a wink. Gross. I thought. Rachel was pretty, but she couldn't compare with Jayde's beauty. Besides, I loved Jayde. I just nodded at Rachel and ran to my first period, fast.


In no time at all, it was lunch. As I walked into the cafeteria Michael approached me. His dark green eyes looked sad.

"Jayde. I need to talk to you." he said. He pulled me aside and we stood by the ketchup and mustard, as well as forks and spoons. I knew what was coming.

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