Chapter 9

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I tried to ignore it, and walked swiftly. But a familiar dark green sweatshirt, I'd worn, caught my eye. When I knew it was Ryan, I tried even harder not to look over, I couldn't risk the chance of melting to his crystal blue eyes. I tried so hard, I barely heard the grass rustle with footsteps. I felt a hand wrap around my upper arm, and it barely phased me. My pace was slow already. I turned to face him, yes Ryan. I tried not to look up at his eyes, but as a tear slipped down my cheek, he tilted my chin up, and forced my watery eyes to look into his clear blue ones.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him bitterly, slipping from his grasp.

"I came to see you. I had to see you again. I can't go a day without you, Jayde. I love you, and I'm not just saying that, I mean it with every ounce of my heart." he told me, then pulled me into him.

"But I just broke up with you." I reminded him.

"Yeah I know. Why did you do that?" He asked me. I didn't really know.

"Because I love you." I said.

"That doesn't make too much sense." he told me.

"I know, but neither does the thought of never seeing you again, but that's going to happen. So-" he cut me off.

"What do you mean you'll never see me again? I'll come here every day if I have to, if it means seeing you. And sorry for cutting you off, I just have to make sure you know that."" he didn't know. He hadn't been told yet. I put my head against his chest.

"Ryan, I'm moving." I told him. He pulled away from me and frowned. He looked into my eyes realizing I was telling the truth. Then squeezed me tighter in his arms.

"You can't move. You're kidding right?! Tell me you're getting. Tell me you're the best at lying, and this is the best joke you've ever told." he asked in disbelief. I just shook my head, allowing yet another tear to slip down my cheek. He wiped it away with his thumb.

"Do I really seem like I'm in the mood to kid?" I asked him. He didn't answer.

"Well where are you going?" he asked after a moment.

"Well my mom says it's a neighborhood a few blocks away and I heard my parents mention Riverdale High, so I assume that's where I'm going. Considering they haven't mentioned any other school, I can use deductive reasoning." I explained. His face darkened. I hugged him reassuringly. Then kissed him on the cheek.

"You'll be okay." I told him, tracing his hairline with my index finger, and letting my hand fall down his face. Then turning to walk to my door. I'd barely noticed we'd walked all the way to my house together.

"No, not without you." he said, grabbing hold of my hand as I let it fall to my side.

"Ryan," I said.

"No matter what happens,..... I want you to always know that I love you." he said, looking at me intently, his light blue eyes filled with honesty.

"I love you too, Ryan." I replied. "Goodbye." I called, halfway to the door. He waved after me.

"Good bye, Jayde." he said back. I went inside, and started to pack.


I couldn't imagine my life without Jayde in it. No matter how hard I tried. My Mom and Dad were still upset with me for getting expelled, but they were willing to do anything to help me get my life back on track. I knew exactly what I needed to do. That night, I sat and talked with my parents, until we all agreed.


I went with my parents to get my transcripts to transfer to Riverdale High. Saturday came too quickly. Ryan was good about meeting me everyday after school. I liked how he listened to every word I said and even asked questions about how my day was, how I felt about things. Although it was 2 days, it only felt like 2 hours together. But that was the last of Ryan I had seen. I had to forget about him. Start over at Riverdale High School. I heard my friend Macy from my elementary school was going there, but I didn't know if she would remember me or not. I left most of my stuff at my old house, my mom said she'd buy me new clothes and other things, since her new job paid more, and the school I was going to didn't have uniforms. The drive to our new house was about an hour and a half. When we arrived, it was a dream come true. Our house was two stories high with 6 bedrooms, and three bathrooms as well as 32000 square footage. An amazing new house. I almost didn't mind leaving Cypress Falls, but as I unpacked my photo album with the pictures from the fall dance, and homecoming, all of the memories came flooding back. Then I got a text from Cece:

Cece-: We miss you already. :) <3

And I remembered everything again. I remembered my friends, and how much I missed them all, my heart cracked a bit more. My life would never be the seem. I'd lost all that had mattered most, my best friends, the love of my life. All of it was wiped clean, and I had to start over, I tried not to think about it too much.

On Monday, I was shy. I had Macy in two of my classes, to my surprise. Turned out, she did remember me! So I sat with her at lunch. The next day, I got a pleasant surprise in 4th period.

"Class, we have a new student. I'd like to introduce him to you all." Mrs. Sumter announced. The class's attention shifted to the front of the room. A boy stood at the front of the class and smiled at me. His blue eyes sparkled. Then he winked. I felt my face flush with color. "Meet your new classmate, Ryan Jacobson." she continued. "Take a seat, where ever you like, Mr. Jacobs." she told him. Ryan walked over and sat beside me. He planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Miss me?" he asked.

A/N: In case you were wondering about why 10 chapters disappeared, I just made the chapters longer, I didn't remove any part of the story. (: Thanks again for reading!

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