Chapter 5

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Then I remembered that I really did need to study. I leaned my forehead against his.

"We should study." I suggested.

"Sure thing, princess." he winked. I smiled and reached for the textbook, I felt a peck on the cheek. "So I guess I earned it?" he asked, I nodded and smiled.

"Yes, you did." I agreed. We studied until 10pm when Ryan had to go home , he kissed me good night and I had wonderful dreams. Monday was awesome! The next week on Monday:

It started out nice when Ryan met at me my bus with a hug . We walked to class and it went normal. Then at lunch Ryan sat with me and asked me out.

"Jayde, will you go out with me on a date tonight? Please." he asked. I looked from his eyes to those around him and I.

"Yes." I said. He smiled.

"Great! I'll pick you up at 6pm." he said.

"Why so early?" I asked.

"That's just before my game starts." he informed me.

"Okay." I nodded.

All day, I planned outfits in my head. Until I figured out the perfect one. This was Ryan and I's first official date. I was kind of nervous.


I felt really good about asking Jayde out to my football game tonight, because when we win, I want her to be there for me. Then I'll take out the picnic I've packed for us and when the sun sets we'll do just as I said and trace the stars in to constellations together. As I sat down in 6th period Micheal looked pale, and worried. He sat beside me and messed with his sweaty palms.

"Uhm...Ryan." Micheal said, his voice low.

"Yeah Mike?" I asked.

"I think I need to tell you something." Mike said, not meeting my eyes. He shifted in his seat.

"What is it?" I asked, curious. He cleared his throat and looked up at me.

"I like Jayde ." he said plainly, his voice was tight but honest. Mike and I were buds and I knew him well enough to know he didn't joke about these things.

"Dude, are you serious?" I asked to clarify. He looked away and nodded.

"Unfortunately, yes. I'm sorry, man. I just realized that I felt this way." he confessed, then put his head down on the table. I pat his back. I was upset, for sure. But as long as he doesn't try anything, we were okay. Katy, Jayde's friend, looked over at me. Right then, I knew she'd heard everything. She looked at me, then looked away quickly. I had a feeling that something bad was coming. But I had to focus, and keep my grades up, after all, I'm on the football team and I have a game tonight. But I had to stop Katy from telling Jayde anything. When the bell rang Katy was the first out the door, figures. I chased after.

"Katy." I called, she hurried ahead of me. I ran after her and grabbed her arm.

"Oh, hey Ryan." she said innocently.

"I know you heard all of that." I told her.

"Heard what?" she asked, pretending to be clueless. I looked at her dark brown eyes, and she stroked her black hair nervously. "Okay okay. Yes I'm going to tell Jayde." she admit.

"Please don't. Not tonight, she can't know tonight. " I begged her.

"Fine." she compelled. "But tomorrow I'm going to give her the full story. Every last detail." she promised.

"Thank you so much!" I said. I was so relieved.

I know how Jayde can get and if Katy had told her about Mike then Jayde would be over thinking it all night. And she might even question my trust if she finds out what I told Katy. I decided not to worry so much. Katy said she wouldn't tell. So I believed her. I had another feeling that Katy might be as bad as Jayde at hiding her emotions.


Seventh period was extremely.... awkward, Katy and Cece were my lab partners so they sat beside me. All period, they didn't say anything. They would whisper and text being extremely cautious of me.

"Hey Cece, who are you texting?" I asked her. She just looked at Katy and smiled. It drove me nuts. Were they hiding something? They must've been. Instead of racking my brain about what my two suspicious friends were up to, I just listened to Mrs.Garcia lecture about the irregularities in gene probability, and something about how you can't always trust the statistics about gene facts.

On the bus, after school, I sat next to Amy, as usual. I told her all about what happened in class and how strange Cece and Katy were acting.

"They were completely mute?" Amy asked in disbelief. I nodded.

"Not a word. Dead silence." I emphasized. Then Amy's mood changed like it did when she remembered something. She knew why. I realized instantly. I hated when she kept secrets from me. I knew she probably wouldn't come clean, no time soon, anyhow. But I had to know why. "What is it?" I asked.

"Nothing." she lied.

"Why won't you tell me?" I asked.

"Because I can't. It's for your own good. But you'll know soon enough." she told me, leaving suspense in her voice.

"Well anyway, I have to tell you about Ryan. He asked me out, on an official date!" I enthused.

"Aw." she cooed. I gave her all of the details and told her about my outfit plan and how I'm trying not to think too much. Then I told her what I kind of thought Ryan might have planned.

"Something about, after a game, he was going to take me to the middle of the field and make your own constellations." I remembered him saying.

"Cute. Ryan sounds perfect. Why'd you guys break up again?" she asked. I thought I'd told her, but I probably hadn't, I never told anyone about it. It was almost a secret between Ryan and I. It was hard to remember where went wrong, after forcing myself to forget. He'd messed up a few times over the summer, I tried to overlook it, which is why we got back together and then on the first week of school... that's what did it. He went further than he knew, and pushed me over the edge. So I ended it.

"Why does everyone care so much?" I asked instead of telling her.

"Uhm... my question is, why don't I know what everyone else doesn't?" Amy inquired.

"It just hasn't been the right time ." I told her. "It's not like you've never kept anything from me." I said. Her green eyes wouldn't meet mine, and she twisted a strand of her blonde hair in her fingers.

"Okay, you got me. I just really can't tell you."

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