Chapter 15

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Clovers POV

I blurred figures runs up to me but I can't make out who it is. I feel weight on my shoulders from hands pulling them up.

"Clover! Say something!" The person yells in panic, slightly shaking me. I figure out it's a male's voice and I finally realise who it is. I put my hand up slightly to them and they grab hold of it and squeeze it tightly.

"Dominic....It really hurts!" I cry, my voice cracking as I speak. I shut my eyes to try and get through the pain but nothing works. Once I open my eyes,  my vision comes back and I see a very panicked Dominic, holding my by the shoulders to stop me from sliding my back down the wall. His other hand is still holding mine. His breaths heavily, from where he was running to get to me. I smile slightly though it hurts.

"Hey, it'll be ok." He tries to reassure me while thinking of a solution.

"But this has never happened to me before! I shouldn't be here I should be more careful and not be so stupid!" I manage to yell, but when I finish my skins burns again and cry from the pain.

"I'll take you to my dorm and I'll treat the burns." He starts to panic, realising this is worse than he thought. I shake my head slowly.

"You can't, your friends will be there. They'll ask questions......I..I don't know what to do." I cry again. He looks down, trying to think of other solutions.

"We can't take you to our mum, even if she is the nurse. She might get fired if they find out a person had got burnt this much on her watch. And if she gets fired, we have to leave as well." He looks at my face worriedly, as it has already been blistering.

I sigh, knowing what's going to happen next.

"Ok. Take me to your dorm. What's the chance you friends would be there?" I ask. He thinks about it for a second.

"Quite small. They usually go outside like everyone else in this weather. Should I lift you?" He asks me.

"I don't think I can walk so I don't really have a choice do I."

"Are you ready?" He asks and I slowly nod my head.

He carefully places his hand under my legs and the other supporting my back. It hurts slightly but I try and hide the pain from him.

He lifts me from the ground, making my legs ache. I squeeze my eyes shut and slowly the pain in my legs goes.

"I'll take you to my dorm, and there we can treat the burns. Do you know how to? I've never really burnt myself before." He asks.

"You put a damp cloth on the burn after running it under warm water," I say. He starts walking towards the shade I've been longing to get to.

Once we hit it, I sigh in relief as my skin stops burning as much. We carry on walking down the corridor, managing not to bump into anyone on the way.

"Clover, you didn't tell me how this happened." Dominic suddenly says, filling in the silence, making me jump.

" was just the sun. I was out for too long. Silly me." I mumble trying to hide that I was lying. He looks down at me but I avert my eyes, avoiding his glance.

"Clover, I know when you're lying." He says and I pause. I breathe in,

"The girls in my dorm......" I go silent again. "They managed to find out that I'm a vampire. Once they found out, I tried to leave but they froze my legs." I sigh about to continue.

"They said I have to leave this school. Obviously, I refused but they said they'll tell the whole school if I don't. They then let me leave but Tiffany had to unfreeze my legs and that's how I got burnt." I say really quickly, hoping the small details will go past him.

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