Chapter 7

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We join the crowd of people that are heading towards the hall. The older kids shove and push us out their way causing us to collide into walls. One boy kicked at Olive and she winced in pain. I immediately give a death stare to the guy and pull Olive towards the nearest gap. Or basically the only gap.

"You ok?" I shout to her through all the crazy noise. She doesn't say a word but keeps walking. I could feel my heart getting faster as the people around me started to get closer and closer to my body.

The bustle of people seemed to be getting bigger as I walked on. It was like a stampede, but worse. And the sound matched a stampede as well, an ear blasting sound from feet banging on the floor. Ugh it was giving me a head ache and I could barely hear myself think.

I look towards where Olive was but all I find is a year 11 glaring back at me. I stop in the crowds to try and search for her but instead I get dragged through everyone.

As I'm about to lose all hope of getting out of this mess, I feel a familiar hand grab me and I get pulled out.

I breath hard and bend over. If I'm going to be staying at this school, I'm going to have to find some short cuts to stay clear from the crowds. I finally recover from my panic attack and  try and find out who rescued me. Dominic and Olive.

"Clover! Im so glad your ok! I-I- I lost you and this kind, kind boy," she gestured to my brother, "rescued me and helped me find you!" She squeezes me into a tight hug that I return back. Though I can feel Dominic eyeing me. Then I realise why...

The scars on my body, head and the bright purplish bruise running around my ankle. And also all those are new scars, not the ones he saw earlier. Why couldn't Tiffany hurt me after assembly! I am so dead.

"I thought I was going to die or something! Thanks, guy I don't know." I smile to him as he shoots me questioning look. The crowd had seemed to cleared up by then so I link arms with Olive and march towards the double doors that lead to the hall before Dominic can ask any questions.

I enter first and get hit by the wave of noise that comes over me. Teachers are herding children of all ages into plastic chairs that cover the whole room.

Although most them are already filled, I find two seats for me and Olive to sit in and drag her towards it. I'm not going to lose her again so I hold on tight to her arm. Eventually we perch ourselves in the seats we found and wait for the assembly to start.

I look around the clustered room to search for anyone I know but I fail at finding them. My eyes wander to the back and I see my mum talking to other teachers. I smile as she seems so relaxed. She notices me staring and does a tiny wave then goes back to chatting.

Suddenly the room falls silent. Not like the ordinary silence but a spooky one that would send a chill up of anyone's spine. No sound comes from person's lips like you usually have in a normal assembly.

I hear banging noise, like a heel smashing against the floor. The only sound that came from me was my heart beat out my chest. Although I'm praying it's not as loud as I think it is. Olive grabs my hand and I feel her little fingers shivering. Is the head teacher here that bad?

"STAND!" A woman screams at us from the side of the room and everyone jolts up from their seats. I get pulled up with Olive as she carries on cluching my wrist, getting tighter and tighter. I have to refrain myself from yelling out in pain as she breaks my bones.

She walks to the centre of hall, eyeing every single one of us. But, her eyes land on me, focusing on all my facial features. Everyone turns their heads to me and I feel tiny. Olive crushes my skin even more.

"You may sit." I breath out in relief as the concentration comes away from me. She marches towards the back of the hall and I get a close up glimpse of what she looks like. She has a pointy nose like every super scary head teacher and poised lips that has blood red lipstick smothered on them. 

Although I recognise her from somewhere but I can't put my finger on it. I place a mental note to ask my mum later about her 'history'. Olive has finally loosened her grip on my now fragile hand, her nerves calming down slightly. Though mine has rocketed through the roof from what just happened and I pray that it won't happen again.

"Its a new start, to a new year. And, every week, we take an hour of our day to remember the dramatic battles we have faced." The head teachers voice boomed across the whole room, making sure we could hear every word of her 'interesting' speech. "To start off, we have the battle of Pennipolo. Does anyone know what happened in that war?"

She asked the school but everyone was too afraid to answer. And she didn't look happy that no one put their hand up. I could feel my body getting shakier as the headteacher searched for a person to pick on. "YOU! Tell me what happened." Thankfully I didn't get picked on but and poor year 9 boy did.

At first I didn't think he was going to say anything, as he looked paralysed with fear, but eventually a word came out his mouth. "Uh-h in the battle of P-Penipolo, Werewolf's attacked the city of P-Penpo which then resulted in lots of b-blood and death." The kid stuttered. The teacher looked approved of his answer and carried on walking across the room.

"Yes, it did have a lot of blood in and did go on for many, many decades. But in the end, the city of Penpo won. Now onto a very, very special war that even your head mistress was in." My ears perked up at this point as I was eager to know. Mostly to wonder what has she gone through to make her so strict.

"The war of the Devils was the worse battle that this world has ever been through. Nearly a quarter of the population died, including my handsome husband. Though this war wasn't just about us people with powers, it also included Vampires. Most of the vampire population died, and you'll rarely see one in this world."

When she said the last sentence I could feel my whole body tense up. That must've been the battle that my parents fought in and lost their lives.

"Vampires then suffered badly after the war was won. But for them it was a loss and will never get back from it. I remember seeing a vampire once during the war, in all its scrapped up uniform. Many vampires carried their children with them and so did this one."

During her saying this, I could imagine my Father and Mother running through the plains with me in their arms. My Mother desperately trying to get me to safety while my Father protected us with his strengths.

The head teacher continued. "Sadly the vampire died a few miles away from where I saw him last. And the child was no where to be seen."

And this is what broke me to tears


Hello, I'm back!

I was gone for ages but I thought about it and once my fingers touched the keyboard I didn't know why I stopped. This chapter didn't actually take me long to type and I was writing 700 words a day.

This chapter was filled with mostly facts about the war that Clovers parents were in and I reallllllyyyyyy didn't want to make it too boring and if I have please can you tell me so I can put it right.

The day I'm typing this is the same day as the Eurovision Song Contest! Is anyone's country competing? My favourites are:
U.K. ( Who I can't vote for)
and Lithuania!

I'll hopefully see you the next time I post!


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