Chapter Seventeen: Celebration

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I tore off the van's cover in haste and we all hopped into the van. I backed it out into the street and drove through my path through the tires. Once we left the Strip, I glanced behind me to make sure everyone was there; I didn't have time to check just in case we were followed by a Commie. One, two, three, Luke, Louisa, four, fi--. I spotted a new face amongst us survivors. He had curly brown hair and thick eyebrows that strangely reminded me of Lee Pace. Yes: eyebrows are freaking gorgeous! He looked like he was going to be sick any moment but I couldn't stop the van for anything.

I sped up and reached base camp just at the right time. As soon as the van stopped, Tyler helped the new kid out of the van and, regretably, left his sick two feet next to my left rear tire. I slapped one of my palms to my forehead. That's just sick, man but at the same time, I felt sorry for him. Everyone else though, already headed into base camp, carrying the treasures we had taken from Paris. I myself, was carrying the wine bottles from Floor Eight. Liora covered the van with the protector and we all headed in, Tyler and the new kid last.

I slid down the ladder and set the wine bottles down next to one of the dinosaur computers. I called up to Tyler, "Is he alright? Get him down here pronto!"

Tyler made sure the kid came down before he joined us, closing the entrance behind him. The kid keeled over in the middle of the floor. "Adrian and I found him like this; I don't know what's wrong with him. We told him you could probably help him and that there would be food at base camp."

"Thank you," I responded. "Ali and I found the newly married Luke and Louisa." I smiled at them as they stood next to another of the dinos. I don't think they were used to the busy bustle of base camp. Liora went to go relieve Helayna of guard duty. I gave myself a mental note of including Luke, Louisa, and this new kid into the guard roster once they were all okay and completely aware of their safety here.

I turned back toward the kid. He looked bloody awful. "He's sick with something."

"Thank you Captian Obvious," Tyler said looking in disbelief. "Don't you know what's wrong with him?"

"I'm not a doctor, you know!" I nearly screamed at him. "Look," I continued, trying desperately to calm down, "I'll look up his symptoms on a dino ASAP." First I pulled out my med kit from my backpack. I searched through it for anything that might be of any use. I found some fever pills then felt his temperature: he was burning up and sweating like crazy. "Here take these," I said to the kid, handing him two pills and my own water bottle.

"What's his name?" I asked Tyler as I sat down at a dino.

"I think he said his name was Ray," Tyler told me as I searched some of his symptoms on Google.

"Top results: chemical poisoning, radiation exposure, common flu, and upset stomach." I looked over at Ray. His eyes were watering, he was sweating, and he looked like he was going to collapse. "He needs bed rest," I declared, "at least until he can stand."

Tyler and I helped Ray to stand and we half-supported his upper body, half-carried him completely. We reached the barracks and laid him on a bed. I asked Tyler to go find spare clothes for him. I went to the kitchen. It was like Christmas came early, or had it? A very large pile of canned goods and microwavable meals were placed upon the counter. I searched for some chicken noodle soup and sure enough, it was there. I brought back a steaming bowl for Ray.

I took a warm, wet towel to Ray's forehead; the fever hadn't yet broken. "I know this is going to be very awkward for you, but can you please wipe him down?" I asked Tyler. He had an expression on his face like 'Hell no! You must be crazy, bitch!' "Please? It would be worse if I wiped him down. At least you two have the same parts."

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