Prompt #2

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Prompt: Could you do a prompt where the entire group goes to the beach and just relax a bit, maybe with some mild jealousy drama between Kaz and Killian because one of them is getting checked out a lot?

We piled out of the car and everyone passed things around to carry. Our group walked down to the beach and found a quiet section, setting up chairs and setting down snacks and drinks. Everyone stripped down to just their bathing suits.

"Goddamn," I said, admiring Mikayla's muscles in her bikini. "You have abs. Good for you, girl."

"You could too if you weren't lazy," Mikayla said, pulling her hair back into a ponytail. "Kaz is topless and you're staring at me."

"Shit, you're right," I said in horror.

I spun to face Kaz, who was tossing his shirt onto a chair. He'd abandoned his hair gel since the water would wreck it anyways, so his hair was messily cute. His body was so beautiful I wanted to cry, though he didn't have abs like Mikayla. His arms were nice and toned though.

"Hey, you're pretty hot," I informed Kaz.

He eyed my topless self. "Yea, you're not bad."

"Not bad?" I glared at him. "My gorgeous body should be preserved in a museum."

"What gorgeous body? You're just skinny," Pete said, balling up his shirt and tossing it on the chair. Shit, he was ripped too. Was everyone in this friend group ripped?!

"Beckett!" I said, facing him. Oh, thank god, he was just a scrawny kid. "Good, good, you're a tiny little child."

Beckett glared and crossed his arms. "I'm 11!"

"I'm not built, either," Leo said, digging his feet into the sand. "My legs are muscular, but that's about it."

"So we're even. Three pathetic people and three people who look like they're on steroids," I said.

"Whatever, I'm going in the water," Mikayla said, grabbing Leo's arm and yanking him along with her.

The ocean tended to freak me out, so I dropped myself onto a chair and pulled out a book. Kaz and Beckett wandered off towards the water, and Pete laid out a towel and spread himself on it to tan.

I found myself starting to nod off after a while. It was warm out and there was a pleasant white noise of waves and chatter as people moved around the beach. What a great day.

"Hey, Killian, looks like those girls are moving in on Kaz," Pete said.

What a shitty, awful, horrible day.

My eyes snapped open and I looked around until I spotted Kaz and Beckett just a little ways away. Two girls were standing with them, both talking to Kaz and eyeing him appreciatively. Oh, hell no, that was my thief with bad hair!

I set my book down and got up, heading over to them. As I got closer, Kaz laughed at something the girls were saying.

One reached out and touched the scars on his arm. "What happened?"

"Fell off of a roof," Kaz said, turning so they could see the similar cluster of scars on his back.

"A roof! How did you do that?!" the other girl asked. But she seemed more impressed than anything, probably thinking Kaz was some daring young man.

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