Prompt #6

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Prompt: Can you make one about Leo and Mika? And one of them confess to the other? Then like everyone be so shocked?


Leo was pacing our room nervously. He kept checking his phone and running his hands through his hair.

"Are you okay?" I asked. "You look like my mom when I'm home late."

"He's been like this all day," Kaz said. He was sitting on my bed with me, his back against the wall and my head in his lap. He was playing with my hair, watching Leo. "He won't tell any of us why."

"You don't know that. I could've told Pete," Leo said defensively. "He would've just forgotten."

Pete frowned. "Hey, wait, are you insulting me?"

Beckett snickered. "Yea, he is, dumbass."

Leo checked his phone again before letting out a frustrated noise and tossing it on his bed, narrowly missing Pete's head since Pete was sitting up there. Leo slumped against his bed.

"What could have you so freaked out?" I asked.

Leo chewed on his lip and shrugged. "I'm just...Well, you'll see, I guess."

"All I see is you freaking out for no apparent reason," I said. I looked up at Kaz and narrowed my eyes. "You have that look in your eyes, Casimir. You know what's going on."

"Of course Kaz does!" Leo said, starting up his pacing again. "Kaz picks up on everything."

"I also steal everything. Your math textbook is under Malley's bed," Kaz said.

"Oh, goddammit Kaz, not now," Leo said, kneeling down and digging his textbook out from under his bed.

He set the textbook on his desk. He spun around as the door swung open and Mikayla stepped in.

"Quit texting me. You're going to blow up my phone," she said, kicking the door shut and tossing her phone down on Leo's desk. "What do you want? You said you needed to talk."

"Uh...should we leave?" I said.

"No, I think we'll stay," Kaz said, smirking when Leo glared at him.

Leo took a deep breath as he faced Mikayla. "Mika, I have a confession to make."

She raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms, nodding at him to speak. "Go on."

Leo rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, it's just, we've been friends for a while, and I need to say this now before it's too late, you know?"

"Just spit out already," she said.

"I...Mika, I..." Leo took a deep breath. "I'm the one who broke your PlayStation!"

We all stared at him in surprise, except for Kaz. Mikayla looked shocked.

"I am SHOOK," I cried.

"You let me think Cam did it!" Mikayla said, smacking Leo's arm.

"Ow! I know, I know. I accidentally knocked it over," Leo said miserably. "I'll buy you a new a one. I just felt guilty. I had to tell you."

Mikayla glared over at Kaz. "You figured it out, didn't you?"

"Leo was wearing the truth on his sleeve," Kaz said, shrugging.

"Asshole," Mikayla said, punching Leo.

Leo winced. "Still friends? I'll get you a new one. We can have a game night and you can kick my ass."

"Still friends," Mikayla said, shaking her head. "You ever break my shit again and try to cover it up, though, I'll snap your skateboard in half."

Leo looked horrified. "Never again. I swear."

She slung an arm around his shoulders and grinned. "Good. Then we're good."

Well, damn. I hadn't seen that confession coming. Just when you think you know a guy.


A.N.- This is the second time I've made this kind of shitty joke out of a prompt and I'm still so proud of myself, you're all welcome for the quality humor (pls don't unfollow me I'm so sorry)

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