Prompt #9

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Prompt: Can you please do a prompt where Kaz goes to Killian's house. I would like to see what happens with his parents


"It'll be fine, it'll be fine, it'll be fine," I mumbled to myself, rocking on the couch.

"Killian, what time is Kaz getting here?" mom asked. "Should I start lunch now?"

"Don't poison it," I said, glaring over the couch at her.

She blushed and looked away from me. "We're trying, Kil. Your father and I are trying, for you."

"Yes, lunch, food, start it now. He should be here soon," I said.

She disappeared back into the kitchen, where my father was helping her cook. Kaz was coming to stay the weekend at my house. I'd stayed at his house before, but he'd never stayed at mine. I was a nervous wreck. My parents were going to nail him to a cross and tell him to have the Jesus experience until his homosexuality cast itself into hell.

The doorbell rang and I jumped off the couch. I hurried down to answer the door and stared at Kaz.

"I can't tell if you're trying to impress my parents, or if you actually like dressing like that," I said.

He looked down at the sleek black sweater and nice jeans he was wearing. "Is this impressive? I tried to dress down a little so I didn't overdo it."

Unfortunately, weekends at Constance Academy and time spent with Kaz outside of school had taught me that he had the style of a fancy old man. I'd only seen Kaz in casual clothes a handful of times.

"This is your last chance to run," I said, trying to block him from coming into the house.

"I'm not afraid of your parents," he said, nudging me out of the way and stepping into my house. He had a bag slung over his shoulder, which he gestured at. "Let me set my stuff in your room before I greet your parents."

"You just want to see where we're fucking," I said, and slapped a hand over my mouth.

Kaz raised an eyebrow. "It's only been a week since I last saw you and I already forgot how thirsty you are."

I turned and led him up to my bedroom. I pushed the door open and we stepped in together.

I gestured to my bed. "This is my bed. That's where I was when my parents discovered another man's tongue lodged in my throat."

"Classy," Kaz said, setting his bag on my floor. He smirked at me. "Aw, how cute, you do care."

I blushed, realizing he had spotted the framed picture I had of us on my nightstand. There was a picture next to it, the one we had taken before we all left Constance. And next to that was the selfie Kaz had made us all take in Constance's office the night we got back at him.

"Look, okay, Constance Academy sucked, but you guys put up with my memes and you gave some damn memorable handjobs," I grumbled.

He laughed and pulled me close, kissing me. "You know, it's alright to admit you actually like your own boyfriend."

"Coming from you. You just call me an idiot all the time!" I said.

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