Prompt #16

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                Prompt: Can you show what the skype/call that Kaz had right before Killian came?? The scene where Kaz's mom winked bc I would love to know what they were talking about

                A.N.- I found the chapter in my document so I don't actually remember what chapter number it was? It was from the day after they all got the Saturday calls for the first time. I also don't remember exactly what was going on with everyone so I'm winging it a bit my bad guys


                My phone vibrated and I pulled it out, checking the new text. Pete had gone off to get his pills and I hadn't seen the others.

                It was a text from my mom, asking me if I wanted to Skype with her and David. I texted her back and sat at my desk, opening my laptop and getting onto my Skype.

                I accepted the call from my mom and couldn't help but smile a little as she and David came into focus on the screen. I missed my parents. I missed our family dinners, I missed David giving me a playfully stern look when I stole from him, I missed my mom hugging me before bed every night. I missed it all.

                "Hi Kaz!" mom said, and she had her usual smile on her face.

                "Hey," I greeted.

                "What did you do this weekend?" David asked.

                "We went out for breakfast yesterday," I said. "We dragged the new guy along with us."

                "New guy?" David said curiously.

                O'Malley's his name," I said. "He's Leo's roommate."

                "What's he there for?" mom asked. My parents weren't very judgmental people, but I knew after everything with Aaron, they worried about who I hung out with.

                "He hasn't said yet. We're fairly sure he's just here because he's gay, but that's just an educated guess," I said.

                "What's he like?" mom said. "You and your friends are so close. I hope you're not making that poor boy feel left out."

                "He's...adjusting," I said, thinking of yesterday's incident when I stole from him. "He's mouthy. Sassiest one in the group, I'd say. Funny guy, but he'll get himself into trouble if he doesn't learn to have a filter."

                "Adjusting?" David said, raising an eyebrow.

                " a little impulsive at breakfast yesterday. O'Malley didn't appreciate it," I said.

                Mom frowned. "Kaz, I know you can't help it sometimes. But other people don't know that."

                I gave her a grin, despite how bad I'd felt about it yesterday. "Like I said, mom. He's adjusting."

                "I'm glad you're making friends," mom said.

                Friends? Yea, I guess that's all I'd be with Killian. I don't know what it was that made me so attracted to him. He was cute as hell, sure. But maybe it was that, under all his sass and jokes, he was a good person. I could see it in the little actions he had. Years with Aaron had taught me to read into every little action a person did to learn what they were like, and Killian fascinated me.

                "Casimir Warrick, your ears are turning red," mom said. "There's more with this boy, isn't there?"

                I felt my ears burning even more at the accusation. "Just a little attraction, I guess. If he is gay, he's keeping it to himself and he's not here for a boyfriend. It's nothing, mom."

                But her expression had softened a little. "Kaz, we want you to be happy and safe."

                "I am," I said, hating how much I'd worried her after my relationship with Aaron. "Who could ever feel unhappy or unsafe in glorious Constance Academy?"

                "Tell us more about this boy. What's his full name? I doubt his first name is actually O'Malley," mom said.

                "It's Killian," I said. "I don't care for the name, so I call him O'Malley. He's mouthy, but he's the first to hide from Mikayla's muscles. I'm not seeing much of a friendship between him and Beckett. He's a good student. Follows the rules, for the most part." I found my gaze wandering away from my parents. "He doesn't want to be here. Whatever got him sent's really messing him up. I can tell. He doesn't belong here. I don't want this place to change him or make him think he's wrong."

                "You're a good boy, Kaz," mom said, and she had a small, proud smile on her face. "You care about people so much."

                I felt my ears burning again. "Well, I need some entertainment after so long here. O'Malley's good for some laughs."

                "I want to hear more about him later," mom said. "I want you to tell me all about him. You get this little smile when you do."

                "This is why I don't ever Skype you," I groaned.

                David laughed. "We're your parents, Kaz. We know how to read you."

                "Well, feel free to stop that," I said, scowling.

                I heard light footsteps out in the hall and then the door pushed open. I looked over as Killian came in and noticed me on Skype.

                Oh, great. Hopefully he hadn't overheard anything. I glanced back at my parents and my mom gave me that little smile that said this would remain our secret.

                Well, even if this little crush on Killian didn't go anywhere, at least my parents would be here to support me. God, I was grateful for my parents.

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