Prompt #3

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Prompt: What if Kaz and Killian were all grown up and married with a son that was always causing trouble and stealing things? And then Kaz complains about his child's behavior while Killian laughs?


"Oh no," Kaz said.

"What now?" I asked with a sigh.

"That little demon," Kaz said, narrowing his eyes. "He took my phone again."

I turned so Kaz wouldn't see me snicker. Our son had grown up around Kaz's uncontrollable theft, and thought of it as a game. He'd taken to stealing Kaz's things and learning how to hide them where Kaz couldn't find them.

I winced as a water bottle hit the back of my head and bounced to the ground. Kaz raised an eyebrow as I turned to glare at him.

"Help me find my phone. I could get calls for work tonight and I need to have it," he said.

"Why not just ask the kid where it is?" I grumbled, rubbing the back of my head.

"Caine sees this as a game. He's not just going to tell me where it is," Kaz said.

Kaz and I had two kids, but only one of them had taken after their father. The other one reminded me so much of Beckett that I wanted a DNA test done on the kid.

I followed Kaz out to the living room as he struggled to think of hiding places he wouldn't normally check. Caine had gotten scarily good at hiding things from Kaz.

Kaz dug through the couch cushions and checked behind everything in the living room. I watched him, occasionally shoving over a pillow so he thought I was helping.

"Looking for something?"

The smug little bastard we called our kid grinned from the doorway, arms crossed over his chest. I swear he crawled right out of hell.

"Caine, I have calls coming in tonight. I need my phone," Kaz said. He always managed to remain calm in front of Caine, even if I knew he was frustrated and impatient.

"Then you better find it," Caine said with a shrug.

"He's good," I whispered, wincing when Kaz elbowed me in the side.

"Don't encourage him," Kaz, my hypocrite of a husband, said. Excuse you, whose fault is it that the damn kid steals in the first place?!

"I have instilled in my children the value of memes and puppies. You have instilled in them the habit of stealing and being rude as hell," I said.

"If I don't find my phone, I'm going to sell the dog to get a new one," Kaz threatened.

"Caine, tell your father where that phone is right now," I said in horror.

"He loves the dog more than you. He was cuddling with Jumbles last night," Caine said dismissively. "He won't sell him."

Kaz went over and ruffled Caine's hair, kneeling down so he was eye level with miniature demon. Caine watched, eyes smug.

"Caine, I really need my phone. You like living here, right? Well, we need money, and work is how I get money. If I don't have my phone tonight, I won't be able to do my work, and then we'll be hopelessly broke and have to move you and your brother into some sketchy neighborhood where we send you to school with mace instead of lunch money," Kaz said.

"You're so overdramatic," I said.

"Dad's right. You're overdramatic," Caine said.

"Fine, new tactic. Tell me where my phone is or I let your father legally change your name to something meme related," Kaz said.

I threw my fist up in the air triumphantly. "FINALLY!"

"You have to find it, dad. I'm not telling you where it is," Caine said, ignoring me. He smiled innocently. "Who even said I took it? Maybe someone else took it."

"Your brother is too busy being moody and your father is too busy being trash," Kaz said, standing up. He had a thoughtful face though, a man who had spent his whole life unable to help himself as he lived as a thief. He knew how to steal without being caught, he knew how to discard of what he didn't want to be found with, and he knew how to hide things. He would not be bested by his own son.

Kaz nudged Caine out of the way and drifted into the dining room, Caine and I following. Caine watched in disbelief as Kaz stuck his hand in the vase of fake flowers at the center of the table, pulling his cell phone out.

"How did you know?!" Caine said, upset that his hiding place had been discovered so easily. He always tried hard to keep Kaz searching for a while.

"Because I'm old and full of wisdom," Kaz said. "Also, check your wrist."

Caine looked down and his eyes widened. "My watch! When did you even take it off?!"

"When I was trying to get the location of my phone. Have fun finding your watch," Kaz said, grinning.

Caine took off for the living room to search, but knowing Kaz, the watch wouldn't turn up until Caine was leaving for school tomorrow. Kaz stuck his phone in his pocket and came over to me, grin dropping off his face.

"I love him and he's going to be the goddamn death of me," he said, rubbing his temples. "He needs to stop stealing my stuff."

I stared at him. "Did you of all people just say that?"

"He's out of control. He's stealing at home and causing trouble at school," Kaz said, pacing back and forth in front of me. "I can't keep spending my nights searching for work related things. I don't mind if he takes something else, but not my work stuff."

I couldn't help it as I started laughing. Kaz stared at me in confusion as I struggled to get myself under control.

"Kaz, Caine is your son," I said, shaking my head. "Of course he's going to steal. Didn't David always think you were playing a game with him? Well, Caine thinks you're playing a game with him, too. He's just trying to beat your klepto ass at this game."

Kaz sighed and I followed him out to the living room, where Caine was searching for his watch. Kaz passed by him and gave him a playful shove.

"Check your front pocket," Kaz called over his shoulder as he disappeared into the kitchen.

Caine furrowed his brow and checked his pocket. His eyes widened as he pulled his watch out.

"How does he do that?" he asked in frustration, looking from the watch to the kitchen entryway.

I leaned against the wall and shrugged. "He's good. You're my weapon against him, so you better learn to be better."

Caine got a determined look on his face. "Someday I'll win!"

He hooked his watch back on and left the room, off to plot Kaz's eventual downfall. Ah, kids.

I sat on the couch, knowing Kaz had probably stolen something from me too and not even worrying about it. He always gave back what he stole. I smiled a little as I laid down and closed my eyes. Kaz was finally getting a taste of his own medicine, but I knew he secretly loved the game he and Caine were playing.

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