Chapter 24

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What is love?
In math, it's a problem
In history, its a battle
In science, it's a reaction
But in my heart, it's you

~Nia P.O.V~
Today is my birthday but I don't plan on doing anything because all that have happened. On top of that I don't even know if I'm pregnant and my brother will kill me if he heard I was pregnant. I know I'm not ready for a baby but then I have to suffer the consequences of acting grown. 15 and having sex is not a good look it's embarrassing.

Me and Lucas are still not together. I thought he would have a gotten a little closer with me because he was my first other than me getting raped. But nope he hasn't even talked or looked my way.

I miss this boy like crazy but I messed up and everybody makes mistakes.

I really wished I had my mom right here with me. I guess it's affecting me now because I never had that motherly love. She never showed me the ropes of growing up and what to do.

I checked my phone and saw I had messages from people telling me happy birthday.

~Jason P.O.V~
So much been going through my head. I can't believe my daughter is gone and I don't even know if my mom is still alive. It's like I was being punished or something like all this bad shit is happening to me. First my dad now my daughter and possibly my mom.

It's Nia birthday today and she can't even enjoy it because of all this shit.

"Bae" Erica called my name.

What the fuck she want?


"Some people is coming over to get Nailah stuff" She said.

"No they not. We keeping it"

"Jason if we keep it here then it will add more to the stress and I don't have time for it"

"Well maybe if you didn't bring him to the damn house then none of this shit would have happened"

"So you blaming me" She said putting her fingers in my face.

"Bruh get yo hands out my face and yea I'm blaming you. If your dumb stupid ass ain't never brought him over here Nailah will still be here. I don't even know what you was doing talking to him.

"It's not my fault and I was just being a friend because I did do him wrong"

"Bitch just stop talking to me" I told her walking off I heard her call my name but I kept walking. She had me fucked up.

~Erica P.O.V~
I can't believe he blaming me for Nailah's death. I'm just as hurt as he is and he had the NERVE to say it's my fault. It's not my fault at all. I can't help what had happened. I didn't know he was gone come over here and do that.

~Nia P.O.V~
Lucas came up to my room and asked to talk to me. I said yea because I wanted to see what he had to say. I really wanna get back together with him and if that's what he want to then we can do that.

"You miss me?" He asked me and I didn't know if I should say yes or no because the truth is I do miss him.

"Yes I miss you"

"Why you really broke up with me the last time then? Now you wanna come back"

"Because when you cheated on me that really hurted me bad. So I just wanted to get you back because I'm tired of getting hurt. I did that because I wanted to hurt you as bad as you hurted me. Then when you got a girlfriend I couldn't help seeing you with someone else because that someone else should still be me. So why can't we be together Lucas"

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