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Ian woke me up saying we are leaving I was mad because I just got here yesterday and already we have to leave because of what happened I wanted to object but the look in his eyes made me stay quiet.

" ewwww come on guys can't you guys stop ever kissing " Ashley stop and smirks " you shouldn't be talking preggo Luna " and yep she had double meaning she saw me and Ian kissing in the hospital " well play Ashley well play" she smiles and continues I roll my eyes and continue walking to the kitchen I saw food laying on the table and I just ate it.

Oh well I thought never leave food on a table by itself I ate it and it was so good I felt like marrying it literally but I was still hungry so I look for the Nutella and found it on the cabinet I took it and I started going back to my room.

" hey there sexy mate " Ian looks at me and smiles " hey there preggo mate " I roll my eyes " why does everyone got to say preggo to me" he smiles " it because you are preggo " he looks at my lips I thought he was about to kiss me but he did the opposite he took MY! Nutella.

I pout and open the door more like breaking the door and went to find Ann she was still sleeping so I turn on the light she groans " what is it " she sits up and she see me pouting " Ian is mean he took my Nutella " I said in a baby voice.

Then it was too quiet I look up and that when she starts laughing like a maniac I glare at her and stood up " everyone so mean" I huff and I went out the door to see my parents with Ann babies and jake so I fast walk and took one of the girls " hey so do they have names yet or no " " they do lily and Bella and James"

I nod and walk away with lily i took her to the couch and I just watch tv until she started crying I guess she was hungry Ann came down when she heard her baby she came and took her away I look down in my stomach and rub it " I can't wait to see you babies " I said in a whisper.

"Baby come and get change it time" " really can't we stay a little bit more " " no we have a meeting and you suppose to come all the other Luna are coming " I stood up when I felt a kick I stop and froze and felt it again " Ian " I scream I heard other people asking what wrong but then someone made the mistake to touch me because all you hear is a loud and scary growl" don't touch her".

I see Matt he came to me " baby what wrong who hurt you " he really thought I was in danger " nothing I scream because our pups kick me" he looks at my stomach and smiles while putting his hands he stay that way until he felt a kick he smiles and kiss my stomach and hugs me.

" are you ready to leave mate " I hear Ian voice I nodded my head I went upstairs to change into comfortable clothes I went downstairs to see Ian I went to him then I remember Ashley I turn around and saw her looking at me I went and hug her " Ashley I'm going to miss you so much who am I going to talk to now about boys" I hear Ian growls saying 'mine'
" I don't know I'm going to miss you too I hope you find a new friend to talk to you but I still be your number 1 best friend " I nod we let go having tears in our eyes lee walks up behind her and hugs her I see Ian and he hugs me.

Then we all said bye to everyone and left with Andrew driving we stay silent until Andrew spoke "so preggo lady how you feeling " I growl " don't talk unless you want your dick to be cut off " he immediately stops but then he said " okay preggo " I growl " Ian say something to him" he chuckles " but why it pretty funny preggo " I huff " okay okay okay Andrew let stop" I smile victory is mine I move so I can lay down on my back I put my head on his leg and went to sleep feeling him rubbing my stomach.

I smell the most delicious smell ever I woke up and there was Ian holding food chicken with rice my stomach growls I took it from him more like forcefully grab it and I start to eat Ian smiles and doesn't say anything because I look at him and said " I dare you to say it watch what going to happen to your little friend " he stares at me and puts his hand and hides his little friend point 1 for Ruby and point 0 for Ian.

After I was done I put it in the small garbage and I rub my stomach because it felt like I ate a cow I look at Ian to see him smiling at me I smile too I see the familiar sign of the pack name when we went father in to the woods I saw our house and I smile I got out and fish for the keys and went inside and look for food again.

When Andrew and Ian came in they look at me and said nothing when I was done I saw Ian" hey the meeting is later on at 10:30 pm " I nod I look at the clock it was 2:13 I see him enter the game room I decided to sleep.

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