Party and situation

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Ashley was done doing my makeup and now we are debating which two of the dress I put down on my mine bed should I wear a red long dress that showed my cleavage and it hug my curves and then the other dress hug my curves and it was short and showing off my legs two.

So she made me try both of them and when I put the red dress she said it looks good but then when I had the black dress on she said I look "smoking hot" I laugh and I was ready Ashley went back to her house to get her dress so I waited and she finally came she did a  light makeup and her dress was short and elegant.

She put on her heels on then when we were walking downstairs I started to talk " hey Ashley will your mate be there" she stops and she looks at me in a sad way " no I haven't found him yet I been to every pack but he wasn't there" wait a minute " have you been to my old pack" she looks at me wide eyed " nope maybe he is there" when she thought about it she smiles.

We go downstairs there was a black car then someone opens it " we will be riding here in the car to the party " I nod she starts talking but I don't pay attention I'm just imagining how he his reaction is going to be then Ashley yells my name I jump " finally " " like I was saying he is going to flip out like flip out " I laugh because she keeps saying flip out over and over again.

The driver stops and he opens the door he leads us to where the party is I can hear loud music and laughing the driver leaves we starts walking and I grab her" what if they don't like me" " Honey they will love you and nobody will judge you "  I carefully nod and when we are there she looks back and opens the door.

When the door opens some people look at me and some didn't some of the boys were looking at me in a lustful way but I ignored them.

I turn around and to see Ashley wasn't there I look for her around like a lost puppy then someone snake there arm on my waist I thought it was Ian so I lean to him but I didn't feel the Sparks.

So right away I push the person away from me the person who I was leading to smirks i look at the person he was attractive but not that attractive like Ian was.

I felt like I saw him some where but I can't figure out where have I seen him then I just noticed he was about to kiss me so I slap him in the face some people saw what happened.

The guy eyes turns black but before he can do anything Andrew comes to my rescue and gets in between us two boys took the man away and Andrew says " I can't believe you slapped drake " I stare at him  " so that his name drake he thinks he can touch me nope only Ian can " Andrew smirks " well I don't know that you notice it because you just met his younger brother " I look at him in shock and stare back to where the two boys took him and back to Andrew.

He nods and says " catch you later " I nod I look for Ashley and see her next to the drink stand looking at me she asks me "what was that about  "  and I told her she looks mad " he needs to stop being a man slut" she huffs.

Then a person comes up to us saying to take a seat me and Ashley sat down but me and her was so unlucky because of who comes to sit next to me it was drake.

He smiles " babe I love playing hard to get" he puts his hand on my leg I smack it away then before he said anything I heard Ian voice " dear pack members thank you for a being here today for this special event, I would like to say there are three new pack members there mates are in this pack so congratulations for them" they applause and scream Ian puts his hand up for they can quiet down.

" I would also like to say I have found my mate yes your Luna for this pack" they all applause then he says " Ruby sweetie come up here" everyone turn around to see where I was they didn't know it was me so I slowly stood up and walk up the stage.

Ian was right next to the stage with his hand out I put my hand on his feelings tingles every where in my body we walk to the center of the stage " this is my lovely mate and your Luna " they all cheered and I smile I look at Ian and he smiles he leads down to kiss me and I went on my tip toes he gave me a peck and whisper " baby you are driving my wolf wild" I smirk.

Ian and me start walking down and immediately is pull by his friends he looks at me and mouth sorry and I said it okay I go to Ashley me and her are talking when drake comes " listen you heard Ian is my mate " he nods " I'm sorry " I look at him in shock and said "ok...ay".

I know that this was really weird because the next thing that happened was that he grabs me and kisses me I try to pry him off me and he dug his claws on me tears coming out until.

A dangerous low and ferocious growl was heard I knew it was Ian suddenly i was pull off him and Andrew was holding me i was shaking in his arms crying I saw Ian and he came inhuman speed and jump on drake beating him I try to go to Ian but he wouldn't let me go " I need to go to him Andrew " " no Luna he will hurt you by accident " " no he wouldn't please Andrew I need" he saw how broken I look.

And he let go I ran to where Ian was being held by two of his pack members " Ian " he looks at me and growls " Ian please baby stop this I need...... You " his eyes slowly turns to It beautiful eyes and he broke away from the two pack members.

He ran to me and hug me he picks me up and I silently cry I look to see where he was walking towards the same black car he gets in while holding me damn this boy is strong he holds me I wrap my arms and put my head oh his shoulders tears coming out of my eyes because I was force to be kiss I then wipe my mouth thinking about his disgusting lips on me I shuddered.

Ian holds my hand for I can stop the car stops and we are near the house I ran and open the door it was open nobody will dare enter this house I ran to the bathroom " Ruby wait" I say no I wash my mouth hard crying I see my lips was bleeding I look at the claw marks I start crying.

Then Ian appears " baby you need to stop please " I look at him in shock " how you asking me to stop.....I was so scared he forced me" I started crying he comes to me and hugs me saying it okay I am here then he looks at my cute and kiss them and he kiss my lips.

He picks me up and lay me down I took my dress off and put a shirt that belongs to Ian. Ian was in his boxers I went to him and fell asleep.

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