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((Picture of Jared, who gets introduced in this chapter))

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((Picture of Jared, who gets introduced in this chapter))

((Marissa's POV))

My eyes get wide and I stare at Kendra.

"Y-you want me to spend the night with you??" I stutter.

"Yes, I do. It would be fun." She smiles.

My heartbeat increases.

"But we just met. Wouldn't that be..I dunno..weird?" I ask.

"Nah, only if you make it weird. I'm supposed to be helping you and this is how I can get to know you." She says coolly.

"O-okay. That's actually really smart."

Stop stuttering!! You'll annoy her!!!

"Great! I'll pick you up around, say, 9:30?" She grins widely.

"Of course, sounds like a plan." I blush.

The awkward silence comes back so we both start cleaning up the kitchen and the outer shop area. At least it gives me time to think.

I'm really nervous about this. I'm surprised that Kendra would want to spend time with me. I mean, she seems really nice, but what if I do something really stupid and mess this all up? I don't want to lose my new job; I like it here so far, even though it's my first day. I just have to play it cool.


I rush home and get some clothes together for work tomorrow and some pajamas and fold them neatly into my duffel bag. I throw in my curling iron and my brush. I look up at my bedroom clock and it reads 8:25pm. That gives me enough time to take a shower and touch up my makeup before she gets here.

After my shower, I dry off my hair and put it up into a messy bun. Then, I put on a couple swipes of mascara as my only makeup to look a bit nicer.

A knock on my apartment door makes me jump and I grab the knife I keep under my pillow and hold it behind my back. I don't live in the safest apartment, so the knife is very necessary. I open the door slowly and let out a sigh of relief when I see it's just my neighbor, Jared. He looks at my knife and grins.

"Ooooooooh! Is that a 'Wolfgang Puck' knife? Where did you find that?" He asks, wagging his eyebrows.

I stifle a giggle and let him see it.

"I found it laying in the parking lot by the furniture dumpster, can you believe it?" I say proudly.

"Lucky! How'd you get it all clean and shiny?"

"Oh, I made this weird cleaning mixture that I found on the Internet. I'm kinda weird about my things being clean." I blush.

Jared examines my prized self-defense weapon and slashes an imaginary burglar with it.

"I think I'll take this back before you hurt yourself." I giggle, taking the knife from him.

"Awwww! But I was having fun!" He wines, earning an eye roll from me.

My phone buzzes in my bra. I look and see I have a new message.

"Who could that be?" Jared asks.

"Oh, it's Kendra."

"Kennnnndra? Oooooooo, do you have a cruuuush?" He teases, poking my side.

"Shut up, you. She's just a friend I met today at work." I slap his hand away.

"How come she's texting you then?"

"She's my friend, you dunce. And I'm kind of spending the night at her place." I mumble the last part.

"You're WHAT?!? Ohhhh duuuude, sweet! Girly pillow fights in bras and underwear! I'm so jealous!" He pouts.

I scowl and wave my fist at his dumb face.

"Watch yourself, mister. I will hit you." I growl.

"Ooookay, calm down, killer." He chuckles. "Do you need help with your bag?"

I drop my fist and sigh.

"I would probably appreciate it." I say sarcastically, making Jared laugh.


The ride to Kendra's house was short and quiet. I don't know why, but she seemed in a different mood than she was earlier at work. Instead of being able to feel her happiness, frustration came off of her in waves. I glanced at her every couple of seconds to see her eyes focused on the road and her lips pressed together in a straight line. I decided to say nothing and not read into it too much. It was none of my business.

Now, she has me set my bag in her guest room and she gives me some blankets and pillows and shows me where my guest bathroom is. She is still silent and hasn't really said a single word, other than a few here and there when absolutely necessary. Something is defiantly up.

"Are you feeling alright?" I ask her.

"Yes. I'm fine."

"Something's bothering you, Kendra." I point out.

She opens her mouth to say something but stops when my phone buzzes loudly on the bed. I glance at it, but turn my attention immediately back to her.

"Extra blankets are in the closet if you get cold." She mutters, turning around and closing the door behind her.

I sit on the bed, looking at my feet. I want to follow her and ask what's wrong, but something doesn't let me. I lay my head on the pillow and stare at the ceiling. The bedroom door slowly opens and Kendra walks back in. I look at her, noticing hurt and emotion in her eyes.

"Can I ask you something?" She mumbles.

"Of course you can." I sit up and gaze at her.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend? What boyfriend?"

"James. Or Jeremy."



"Oh my gosh, that's not my boyfriend. That's my neighbor that protected me a few years ago when someone tried to rob me and there was a shooting in the apartment. If it wasn't for him, I probably wouldn't be alive right now."

Kendra's eyes got as wide as little moons and this made me smile inside. She's so cute.

"Wow...so uh...no boyfriend...?" She asks awkwardly.

I smile this time so she can see.

"Nope. No man for me." I say, popping the "p".


I smirk. "Nah."

She rubs her arm and looks at the floor. For once, this loud, outspoken beauty is speechless. She blinks a few times and then looks back up at me.

"I'm sorry for being all weird." She mumbles.

"You're totally okay." I chuckle lightly. "So..what now..?"

"Uh...how about we ask each other questions? That's always really fun." She smiles.

I nod and reply with a gentle, "Yeah, okay."

This can't be too bad. 

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