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{A/N: A lot of these have been in Marissa's point of view and if you prefer Kendra's over hers, then I'm sorry. I just have a lot coming up with this story and it's better this way but I'm going to even it out. Right now, quite a few will be in Marissa's, some will be in Kendra's. I don't know if I will add even more Points of view, but most likely not because it gets extremely confusing to read and even more difficult to write. But anyways, how are you enjoying the story so far? I hope it's not going to quickly, I just don't really like boring books and I want to keep this one from getting boring. I don't really like filler chapters, I like action. I will use filler chapters one if I haven't updated in awhile or see it necessary. I don't know...I just feel like this book isn't as good as it could be...

But thank you so much for reading! It is very appreciated and it gives me motivation. Please vote, comment, and enjoy. :) }

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[picture of Ashley]

((Marissa's POV))

Kendra starts hyperventilating and I touch her arm to console her, but she instantly rips it back and starts looking all around.

After a moment, her faces brightens and she opens my side door and shoves me out onto the cold pavement.

"What the f-" I start, but she cuts me off.

"Go run inside and fix everything while I distract her. Go!" She hisses.

I silently close the door and wait for Ashley to come up to Kendra's side before I make a dead sprint to the shop door and slip inside.

My stomach drops about twenty feet. The room is a mess. I didn't even notice it before. I see my blouse and skirt on the floor and I quickly put them on. I grab some spray cleaner and some rags and start cleaning up the icing everywhere before they come inside.


It only takes about fifteen minutes to get everything cleaned and when I do, I let out a frustrated huff.

Why aren't they inside yet?

I peek out the back door leading into the parking lot and notice that Kendra's car is.....empty. Both vehicles are still here, but both look empty.

That's weird.

I squint and try to look again when I feel a hand on my shoulder, making me jump and let out a small shriek. I turn around to see its just Kendra. Her bare body is covered with the blanket that she used to cover the car seat. She cups her hand over my mouth.

"Shhhhh! You're so jumpy." She whispers.

I roll my eyes.

"Where's Ashley?" I ask, but it's muffled by her hand, so it comes out more like "whurrrs ahhhley".

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