Newt imagine #2

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It is a nice, warm afternoon in the Glade. Your best friend Teresa and you (a.k.a. the only girls here) are resting under a tree and talking. You are asking each other 'would you rather' questions.

„Ok Teresa, would you rather spend a night in the Maze or..... kiss Gally?" you ask trying to conceal your laughter.

„Ew! Definitely the Maze." She yelled and you both start laughing.

„Your turn, Y/N. Would you rather tell your secret to 10 people that would care the most, or drink 10 glasses of Gally's secret recipe as fast as you can?"

„Hmm, that's a tough one..." you say imagining the consequences.

„Oooh, someone's got a secret. I'm all ear." She says grinning to you.

„Well... I... Umm... I might have a crush on someone." You mumble quickly.

„OMG, omg! I have a theory! Do I know him well?" she asks.

„Umm, maybe..." you got yourself in trouble. You feel her eyes on you although you looked away.

„ Is he one of the runners?"

„No." You say as she looks at the boys, looking for the right one. She is getting closer to the answer.

„He is one of the Track-hoes, isn't he?"

„Ummm..." you don't know what to say. „Maybe..."

„Muhahaha!" she yelled triumphantly. „So, who's the lucky boy?" you hide your face in your hands avoiding the question. Unfortunately, she wasn't giving up.

„C'mon Y/N, there is nothing bad at falling in love. That's totally normal in our age."

She is your best friend and all but you doubt that an information like this would stay secret for long.

„Nope." You answered coldly. She looked at you with sad puppy eyes before saying „Pretty please with some sugar on it?" Well, she would find out eventually.

„Fine. But if you tell anyone, I'm gonna feed you to the Grievers!" a smile was growing on her face as you took a deep breath.

„It's Newt."

„Aaaaaa! I KNEW IT! How cute!" she screamed.

„Hey, keep it down!"

She asked you a million questions before going to bed. You stayed patient and hoped she wouldn't say anything.

~The next day~

You just got up and she was already trying to make you talk to Newt. The two of you are Track-hoes as well so that made the situation even harder. All those thoughts swirling in your head make you seem depressed. Newt must have noticed that because he gave you the what's wrong look. You shake your head and smile at how thoughtful he is.

„I know Y/Ns secret. She told me yesterday." Theresa says grinning slyly. You give her a glare.

„Don't worry, I'm not interested." Newt says sensing the tension between us. You send him a thankful look as he slowly walks away.

Teresa kept encouraging you to tell him how you feel.

„That's it! If you're not gonna tell him, I will!" she said after lunch time.

„But...I... Ok. I'll try." You keep your promise.

„Newt! Y/N has something to tell you!" she said in a singing voice. You can feel your cheeks burning as he comes closer. Here goes nothing, you think looking at the ground.

„So the thing is... ithinkimighthaveacrushonyou." You just wanted to sink into the dirt below your feet.

„Sorry, what was that?" he asks,curiosity burning in his eyes.

„I said I think I have a crush on you." He was silent for a moment.

„That's so sweet." He says giving you a warm smile. You couldn't understand the emotions in his eyes.

Actually, not much happened. Both Teresa and Newt were telling you there is nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing changed in the way Newt was talking to you as if nothing happened. You, on the other hand, couldn't think straight. Just very good friends. It was uncomfortable after you spilled your soul and there was no reaction from the other side.


You took a shower after work. When you got back to your room, there was a small piece of paper on your bed.

Would you join me on a walk in

the Deadheads tomorrow after dinner?

Newt "

You panicked but you didn't know why. You can't go through that alone, but who to ask for help? The first trustworthy person you could think of was Chuck. You ran out of your room and try to find him. He was juts about to go to his hammock when you grabbed his wrist.

„I need to talk to you." You said pulling him somewhere private. He nodded a few times as you explained what happened.

„What should I do?" you finished your story with a question that was currently on your mind.

„I think you should go. You'll see if he's gonna be all flirty or act like nothing happened." He spoke wisely.

„When you're right, you're right. Thank you, buddy." You let him go back to his previous plans.

~Time skip (to when you're supposed to be meeting Newt)~

It was slowly getting dark but you easily spotted Newt on the edge of the forest.

„Mademoiselle." He smiled letting you enter the Deadheads first. You blushed slightly. After a few silent steps, he grabbed your hand interweaving your fingers together. You walked a bit deeper into the forest. Once far enough, he grabbed your other hand as well looking directly into your eyes. He took a deep breath as if he was preparing himself for something.

„Y/N, I... I have fallen for you. Since you came with that box, I knew you were special. With every day I liked you more and now I can say that I'm truly in love with you." Tears started to form in your eyes.

„Why haven't you-„

„Because I was afraid that you didn't feel the same way. I'm sorry I didn't tell you this earlier." He said almost crying himself. You threw your arms pulling him into a hug. You stayed like this for what seemed like a delightful eternity, enjoying each others warmth. He pulled back and looked at you.

„You are bloody beautiful, you know that?" you noticed that his eyes stayed on your lips for a bit longer so you leaned in closing the gap between you. It was a short and sweet kiss. You pulled apart and started walking back to the Glade. His arm snaked around your waist protectively. As soon as Teresa saw you, she started fangirling. Newt and you cuddled by the fire until you feel into a peaceful sleep.

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