Newt Imagine #4

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A young girl stepped into the burning sunlight. It was hot, yes, but not as hot and suffocating as in the building she just left. In a week, she was leaving the town for her well-deserved vacation. Until then she would just have to deal with everything here.

Thunder roared somewhere in the distance. It didn't disturb Y/N until the sky started getting darker. There was a bright flash of light before the boom. What happened next could usually be seen in cartoons. The rain started pouring. All people outside were wet to the bone before anyone could open an umbrella. Y/N stopped in her tracks and looked up. She enjoyed summer downpours. She took off her heels and continued walking.

After jumping in a puddle, a huge grin spread across her face. Her makeup was now kind of ruined but she couldn't care less. The girl started humming 'Singing in the Rain' and walking/dancing to the rhythm.

Y/N skipped to the park instead of going home. Children were playing despite the rain. They were also jumping from one puddle to another and running through the wet grass. There was nothing like a rainy summer day to bring back good memories.

"I knew I would find you here, love," a voice behind her exclaimed. She turned around to see her boyfriend holding a red umbrella, smiling. A picture of a small blond boy with the same umbrella flashed before her eyes. She ran and hugged him as soon as her fingers made contact with his jacket. He hugged back just as tight.

"Boy do I love you, Newt," Y/N whispered. The said boy kissed her forehead. It was their little happy place, their umbrella for two.

A/N: There is a nursery rhyme called An umbrella for two in Croatia. It is silly but that inspired me. It goes like this:

(Na kraju knjige trava,)  On the end of the book is grass,

(na travi rosa) on the grass dew

(i jedan dječak plavi,) and one blond boy

(i jedna djevojčica bosa.)  and one barefoot girl.

(I taj dječak plavi) And that blond boy

(pogazi travu,) stepped on the grass

(pogazi rosu) stepped on the dew

(I poljubi djevojčicu bosu.) and kissed the barefoot girl.

(Kišobran za dvoje...) An umbrella for two...

Also, it almost doesn't look like summer here in Germany. It rained the whole week but at least it's not too hot.

I noticed that Newt seems a lot like Aph England in my stories. lol

Even if I have like a week of school left, my brain is on holidays already. I'm trying to handle a story my friend wants me to write and all the scenarios in my head but there is just no inspiration to put any of them on paper. I know it seems scary sometimes, but please request. I rarely do it myself but it helps authors.

Have a nice summer vacation.


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