Newt Imagine #3

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A/N: Sorry, this isn't the next part for the "Long imagine" but I'm working on it. I could write about 5 sentences to tell you what happens but who would enjoy that... So as an apology, here is a short one. :) 

 Newts P.O.V.

 I pulled the trigger, hid back behind a tree and hoped for the best. I peeked from my hiding

place to see what I've achieved. The player from the other team was walking
away, his hands and marker in the air. My paintball hit him in the head. If my
calculations are correct, there should be only 3 opponents left. This battle is
as good as won. I turned to Zart, my teammate, for further instructions. First, he
gave me thumbs up for the hit and started explaining the plan. A paintball came
out of nowhere. Zart was hit exactly where his heart is. I knew my position was
revealed, so I ran. Another ball exploded on the tree next to me.i need to find
cover. It seemed like my attacker wasn't following me and I hid in the bushes
on the edge of the terrain. A few branches snapped behind a nearby tree.
„Newt, it's me." Thomas said showing himself. I motioned him to come over.
„So, what's the situation?" he whispered.
„One more down, three to go. But we lost Zart." I answered still panting a bit.
„Chuck is out as well. As far as I know Minho, Ben and Fry are ok." He continued. I was
scanning the area, trying to come up with a plan. After some silent minutes,
I two figures rushing between the trees.
„Minho, look." I nodded towards them. He got his marker ready to shoot but I stopped
„They're too far. C'mon!" Ben apparently had the same idea and was now sneaking to them from another direction.
P-taff. P-taff. What I didn't expect when I heard someone's weapon fire, was seeing Fry and
Minho walking away with their hands up. They have been hit. It seemed as Thomas
and Ben were reading my mind and we surrounded the enemy.

Y/N P.O.V.
James and Digory fired almost at the same time, hitting two boys from the other team. Ever
since you hit that boy, I think his name was Zart, their whole team was
constantly moving. You were on a tree watching the situation. The other team
was slowly surrounding you and the boys. It would be dangerous to show your
position by shooting but you did it anyways. P-taff. Thomas is out. Newt and
Ben were confused, not knowing where the ball came from. You smirked to
„Schuck! We're surrounded" Digory whisper-yelled. P-taff. P-taff. He and James were hit
before you could do anything.
„Come out, come out, wherever you are." Ben teased.
„Shut up! He will notice us, you idiot." Newt whispered. He was right, such an idiot. Spott, aim,
shoot. It done in 3 seconds. Now it's just Newt and you.
„Any last wishes ?" your voice echoed, confusing him even more.
„ Would you show me your face?"

Newts P.O.V.

„Any last wishes ?" a voice echoed after Ben was shot. It was too soft to man voice. I knew she had me at a gunpoint but I was curious.

„ Would you show me your face?" I asked carefully. There was a short silence.

„Throw your marker away. And please do it like a man." She said. I like that girl already. I obeyed and threw it as far as I could. She jumped down from a tree. When her feet touched the ground, her weapon was already up and ready to shoot. She took off the mask and her H/C hair fell on her shoulders. (Sorry if you don't have long hair, pretend you do for this one) her E/C eyes were still full of adrenaline and watching my every move.

„I didn't know angels are so good at paintball..." she just smirked and pulled the
When we were returning the equipment I went to talk to the girl again.
„Hey, angel. Would you like to join me for a smoothie so I can get you back for destroying
my jacket?" I asked in a playful voice outstretching my hand to her.
„You can try." She smiled taking my hand.  


I hope it's not weird to read it from mostly Newts P.O.V. Sorry if some stuff is wrong but I've never played paintball. School is starting tomorrow so don't be mad if I don't update for some time.


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