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A/N: a bunch of short ones. (They are really short) I also had problems with putting the pictures in so there are links for where i got them.


Miho stood in front of a café tapping his foot impatiently. He glanced at his left hand only to find he has forgotten his watch. Seeing the time on his phone he sighed.

"Couples these days," he remarked to himself. Irritated, the raven boy started scrolling through his social media. Just as he found a post that seemed interesting, a pair of rushing footsteps approached him.

"What took you so long? You wasted my precious time" Minho barked at his two friends.

"It's not like you had anything better to do, Mr. Fancy-pants." Y/N said ruffling Minho's hair.

"That is... a fairly good point."

Minho, Newt, and Y/N entered the café. They sat near a window to observe the scenery outside.

"So, what will it be?" the waiter asked, his pen ready to write whatever their hearts desired on this warm afternoon. Newt ordered a milkshake, Y/N a F/D (Favorite Drink) but Minho was still staring at the menu. It would have lasted much longer if it wasn't for Y/N who ordered hot chocolate for him. Newt had to choke back a laugh when Minho gave her an I'm-a-grown-man look. The drinks arrived soon after.

"Man, my legs are sore." Y/N sighed sifting in her seat.

"Why?" Minho asked as he continued sipping on his hot chocolate like a little kid. Newt choked on his drink, his face turning red. Y/N wasn't in a better condition. Something clicked in Minho's head and he spat all the liquid gathered in mouth out.

"Oh my god, you guys did the frickle freckle!" he yelled and looked between the two blushing faces. Three phones went off one after another. Minho was the first to act and he read the message.

THOMAS: I caught Newt and Y/N red handed

In addition to the message was a picture of the two lovebirds jumping around the huge trampoline gym. They were the only adults among the hyperactive children. Minho burst out laughing.

"You got me there for a moment. And you treat me like a child."

"Wait a minute, what was Thomas doing in the trampoline gym?"



Y/N opened her eyes to find Newt sleepily gazing at her. That brought a smile to her face.

"Good morning, love" he whispered shifting closer to her.

"Good morning, Newt" they were now close enough for their breaths to mix. Y/N snuggled close in his arms and their foreheads pressed together. Soft rays of the rising sun reflected in her eyes.

"Achoo!" a sudden loud sound coming from the girl frightened Newt. He jumped back and fell off the bed. Not long after did his head pop back up, staring at Y/N.

"What the bloody hell was that for?" he asked sitting on the edge of the bed carefully.

"Sorry. That's just a thing in my family, we sneeze because of the light sometimes."


A/N: This really is a thing in my family. My father, two brothers, and I all sneeze in the sun. My personal record is 11 times in a row.


Newt opened the doors of the house he shared with his girlfriend, Y/N. His hands were full of bags from the grocery store.

"Honey, I'm home" he called to get the attention of his loved one. There was a commotion in the living room but no one answered his call. A loud thud and a triumphal 'aha' was heard as well.

"Love?" he asked, carefully entering the living room. The sofa was thrown over and Y/N balanced on top of it.

"I am Buffy, the vampire slayer!" she yelled.

"What are you- is that blood on your hand?" Newt panicked rushing to the girl.

"Ya, I just killed a mosquito."

(This was my idea)



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