"The long imagine" (Part 1)

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A/N: I don't know how should I name this, so if you have any ideas please tell me. As I already said this will have a few parts, so yeah... To the story.

       You wake up to sound of the scraping metal. You take a look around realizing that you are in some kind of cage rushing upwards. With help of a red light, you see boxes and also find a piece of metal that looks like a sword. You decide to hide it under your jacket as the elevator starts slowing down. You're afraid but ready to face the world outside. At that moment you realize that you don't remember anything. You hear tho door above you open. You look up while still holding your hand on the sword. You're welcomed with curious and confused looks of many boys.

„Hey there, Greenie." A tall, blond boy said jumping in the box.

„The name's Newt." He added with a funny accent and a smile. You were getting lost inside his beautiful brown eyes until you noticed he's offering you a hand. You accepted it with your other hand on the sword. As you were getting out of the box you haven't noticed any other girls. You took a few steps pulling out your sword and pointing it towards the boys.

„Whoa, easy there Greenie!" an Asian boy said trying to stay calm, but you saw a spark of surprise and amusement in his eyes.

„Stay back!" you yelled, exploring your new surroundings. A couple of wooden houses, gardens, meadow, forest and it all in 4 big walls. They were telling you to put the sword down, that everything is going to be fine. You didn't listen. In a sudden burst of energy, you started running, dropping the sword in the process. You saw the door in one of the walls as your only way out. You can hear someone running after you, but you were faster. Th doors were so close when the Asian boy caught you. You tried to wiggle out of his strong grip but and failed. With help of a couple of boys, they put you in a cell, or a slammer as they call it. They left you there for a couple of hours. When you calmed down, Newt and the Asian boy approached you.

„Listen, I know that you don't remember anything, but none of us did as we came up with that bloody box. Your name will come back to you in a few days. Is there anything else you would like to know?" Newt said looking at you.

„What is this place? Why the hell am I here? Where are all the girls?" you asked in one breath.

„Well, this is the Glade, that makes us Gladers. We don't know why we were put here, but we're looking for a way out." He answered, happy that you're willing to cooperate.

„And also you are the first girl that came in the Glade." Asian boy added opening the slammer door.

„If you want I can show you around." You nodded and followed the blond boy. You walked around the Glade as Newt explained how things work here. After some time you asked

„What is out there?"

„The Maze." He answered and the smile left his face. „Minho is the keeper of the runners." He turned his head to the Asian boy, who was still a few steps behind you. He is probably here so I wouldn't run away.

„They run the Maze every day, mapping it, trying to find a way out... Here we are, the Homestead. You will be sleeping here, but since you're a girl builders will probably make you your own room." He said apparently happy to change the topic. „Don't fall asleep yet, there is a bonfire at your honor tonight."

„Ok. Thank you!" you said as he turned around and left. You laid down thinking about this strange place, people who live here, about all the jobs. Working in the gardens seemed fun. You think that you have always loved cooking but you feel clumsy at the moment. From the second you saw huge and strong builders, you knew that you wouldn't get along so good. But there was something about the thought of running through the Maze that excited and calmed you at the same time. You already showed that running isn't a problem for you. Someone's steps brought you back to reality. Now you were being approached by an older boy with dark skin.

„I haven't properly introduced myself. I'm Alby and I kind of run this place. If you ever have problems with other Slintheads, just tell me." You laughed because of the way he talked about other Gladers. You talked about plans for tomorrow for some time. It began to grow dark when Alby said you should go to the bonfire. You are glad he's in charge. He provided a sense of security and behaved like an older brother to you.


You hold some kind of drink in your hand facing the hot, bright flames. You didn't notice that someone's next to you until he spoke.

„Having fun Greenie?" by the accent you knew it was Newt. „It's a party for you, y'know. You should have some fun." He said grinning at you.

„Ok, ok." You groaned getting up. He was leading you to the heart of the party. With the corner of your eye, you notice the boys gathered in a circle. You placed through the crowd to take a closer look.

„So, who is the next brave Slinthead to try me out?" a guy in the middle yelled. Unfortunately, you were pushed to the circle at the same moment. The boy standing there, Gally saw your appearance as a challenge.

„Curiosity killed the cat. " you said under your breath when you realized what this was all about.

"Greenie! Greenie! Greenie!" everyone around you cheered. Gally rushed to you, ready to push you out of the circle. You panicked and acted instinctively, moving aside and letting him try the taste of the sand. You tried to get out of the circle of boys, but they wouldn't let you. You turned to Newt for help. Apparently, that was enough time for Gally to get his stuck together. He hit your feet making you fall. The impact knocked the air out of your lungs. He climbed on top of you, pinning you to the ground. You spent a few seconds trying to get him of, but failed. Y/N... Y/N! W.C.K.D. is good... you heard a silent voice in the back of your mind. You remembered your name. First two guys you wanted to share that with are Alby and Newt. Your first thought was to kick Gally in his crotch, but one of the rules is never to hurt another Glader. So you just patted the ground instead. He stood up smiling triumphantly. You ran through the crowd looking for Newt. Someone grabbed your shoulder from behind.

A/N: A cliffhanger. I'm a monster, I know. I did this to my brother when I showed him what I wrote. He threw a shoe at me. 





~   :)

"Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" you heard a concerned note in Newts voice. You just stared at him and smiled.

"Greenie?" he said impatiently.

"I'm fine. And it's Y/N, not Greenie." Now a smile appeared on his face as well. "Good that."

You spent the rest of the evening hanging out with Minho, Newt, Thomas and Chuch. Once they stopped being afraid you might run away, they were a fun and pleasant company.


So many A/Ns this time. I'm sorry. Next part is coming soon (I hope). Happy Helloween.


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